“城市广告业态”之十一 机遇中的南宁广告业

来源 :大市场.广告导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lck2000
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2003年,南宁市广告业保持增长的势头。据统计,南宁市广告经营单位达638户(含武鸣、邕宁、上林等七个县),同比增长141户,增长幅度28.37%;从业人员6314人,同比增加815人,增长14.82%;广告经营额23033万元,比去年增长7.58%。具体统计分析如下:广告公司在广告经营单位中占很大的比重。2003年南宁市广告公司达到479户,占全市广告经营单位的75.08%;从业人员达到4500人;广告经营额达到12761万元。2003年上半年由于“非典”的原因,广告经营单位的增长幅度有所影响;下半年,“非典”过后逐步回升。全年共增加广告经营单位141户,其中上半年增加18户,占12.77%;下半年增加了123户,占87.23%。南宁从业人员队伍的不断壮大,给南宁市广告业的发展奠定了较好的人脉基础。 In 2003, Nanning advertising industry to maintain the momentum of growth. According to statistics, there are 638 advertising operation units in Nanning (including seven counties including Wuming, Suining and Shanglin), an increase of 141, an increase of 28.37%; employing 6314 employees, an increase of 815 over the same period of last year, up by 14.82% ; Advertising turnover of 230.33 million yuan, an increase of 7.58% over last year. Specific statistical analysis is as follows: Advertising companies in the advertising business unit accounted for a large proportion. In 2003, Nanning City advertising company reached 479, accounting for 75.08% of the city’s advertising business units; employees reached 4,500 people; advertising business reached 127.61 million yuan. Due to the “SARS” in the first half of 2003, the growth rate of advertising units was affected. In the second half of the year, the SARS gradually rose. In the year, a total of 141 advertising units were added, of which 18 were increased in the first half of the year, accounting for 12.77%; 123 households were added in the second half, accounting for 87.23%. Nanning contingent of contingent of employees, advertising in Nanning City, laid a good foundation for the development of the network.
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