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宋美玉一生经历坎坷,小时候因患小儿麻痹症而双腿残疾,这一生都只能在双拐的支撑下艰难移步。因为残疾,她失去了高考的机会,虽然她的成绩一直排在班上前三名:因为残疾,高中毕业后她在家待业6年才得到工作的机会。值得庆幸的是后来她有了一个健康可爱的女儿。为了不让自己失去的东西也在孩子身上失去,这位双腿残疾的母亲用双拐为女儿宋爽撑起了一片母爱的晴空。宋美玉认为,自己身有残疾而心却不能残疾,在女儿面前一定要树立良好的母亲形象,让女儿看到一个历经千辛万苦仍能微笑对待生活的妈妈。这个信念始终支撑着宋美玉。宋美玉的家庭非常困难,丈夫也因小儿麻痹症而双腿残疾,而且夫妇俩先后下岗在家,但夫妇俩尽可能为女儿创造了一个优越的学习环境。宋爽3岁的时候喜欢用彩笔勾画小花小鸟,为了不让孩子心中的向往破灭,宋美玉拄着双拐带着孩子参加了少年宫的绘画班。宋爽4岁时对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,宋美玉又毅然让孩子参加了手风琴学习班。 Song Mei-yu ups and downs throughout his life experience, childhood as a result of polio and his legs disabled, life can only be difficult to step under the support of crutches. She lost her college entrance exam because of her disability, although she consistently ranked in the top three in her class because of her disability after she graduated from high school in 6 years. Fortunately, she later had a healthy and lovely daughter. In order not to let myself lose things also lost in children, the disabled legs of her mother with a crutch for her daughter Song Shuang propped up a clear sky of maternal love. Song Meiyu believes that he is physically disabled but can not be disabled, and must establish a good mother image in front of her daughter so that her daughter can see a mother who has been able to smile and treat her life after a long period of hard work. This belief has always supported Song Meiyu. SONG Mei-yu’s family is very difficult, her husband is also disabled because of polio and legs, and the couple has laid off at home, but the couple as far as possible for her daughter to create a superior learning environment. Song Shuang 3-year-old like to use colored pencils to sketch flower birds, in order not to let their children’s hearts burst into oblivion, Song Meiyu Zhuang Zhuang with children took part in the Children’s Palace painting classes. Song Shuang 4-year-old had a strong interest in music, Song Meiyu also decided to let children participate in accordion classes.
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