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如果说从70年代末到80年代以十一届三中全会的召开为标志,中国开始了从闭关自守到对外开放的历史性转变,要求利用两种资源、开拓两个市场和学会两套本领,那么进入90年代以来,以邓小平南巡讲话和十四大的召开为标志,中国的对外开放则进入了一个新的发展阶段,即逐步实现中国经济和世界经济“全面接轨”的阶段,要求按国际通行规则,扩大对外开放,逐步达到中国经济与世界经济的一体化。 与全国对外开放的新形势相适应,深圳经济特区的发展也进入了一个新的阶段,即提高整体素质、增创特区新优势的阶段。过去,深圳特区在经济发展、体制改革、利用外资等方面都走在全国前列,对社会主义现代化建设作出了重大贡献。今天,在实现中国经济与世界经济“全面接轨”的新形势下,深圳特区应继续以其自身优势进一步当好排头兵。这是时代赋予深圳特区的光荣使命,是全国人民对这座新兴现代化城市新的期盼,也是江泽民总书记对经济特区首先是深圳特区“增创新优势、更上一层楼”的一项重托。 If we say that from the late 1970s to the 1980s marked by the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Government, China began a historic shift from the principle of “self-closing to opening up to the outside world,” demanding the use of two resources, opening up two markets and learning two sets of skills. Then since the 1990s, marked by the speech by Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour and the convening of the 14th CPC National Congress, China’s opening up has entered a new stage of development. That is, China’s gradual realization of the “full integration of the economy with the world economy” International rules, expand opening up, and gradually achieve the integration of China’s economy and the world economy. In keeping with the new situation of opening up to the outside world, the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has also entered a new phase in which it can enhance its overall quality and create new advantages in the SAR. In the past, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone took a leading position in the entire country in terms of economic development, system reform and the utilization of foreign investment, making a significant contribution to the socialist modernization drive. Today, under the new situation of achieving “full compliance” between China’s economy and the world economy, the Shenzhen Special Administrative Region should continue to be a good vanguard with its own advantages. This is the glorious mission the epoch empowers the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and a new look forward for this people in the newly emerging modernized city. It is also a great proposition of General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s commitment to “creating new advantages and building on the higher level” in the special economic zone, first in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone .