邦兴八闽 辉耀九州——记邦辉集团董事长兼总裁潘邦炎先生创业足迹

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潘邦炎先生的祖籍在福州亭江镇。十多年前他投身商界经商,筹办起亭江贸易总公司随之又成立了福州亭江联合开发总公司,继而在亭江又办起了第一家亭江酒家和小扎钢厂等企业。时年他才26岁。1986年,潘邦炎赴港定居发展,先后创办了香港邦辉企业有限公司和香港邦辉联合集团有限公司。1993年,他回国投资办企业,组建福建省邦辉集团。经过几年的艰苦拼搏,现已拥有下属18家子公司和两家香港公司的规模,成为一个集工业、房地产业、建筑装饰业、大型酒店及服务业为支柱产业的综合性企业集团,并已形成一套现代企业管理体系,使企业步入规范化、现代化的发展新阶段。从一个原来年产值只有几十万元的小企业发展到现在年产值达到2亿多元,拥有资产3.84亿元的大型企业集团,并保持年均15%增长的良好发展势头。集团自成立以来,不断加强投资力度,具有四星级规模的福州邦辉大酒店已于5月份开业,投资1亿多具有同等规模的马尾邦辉大酒店也正在兴建中。目前邦辉集团的投资遍布八闽大地,并日益覆盖祖国大江南北,业务经营拓展至日本、东南亚等国家和地区。 Mr. Pan Bangyan’s ancestral home in Fuzhou Tingjiang Town. He joined the business community more than a decade ago and organized the establishment of the Tingjiang Trading Corporation, followed by the establishment of the Fuzhou Pavilion River Joint Development Corporation, followed by the first Tingjiang Restaurant and the Tiezhang Steel Factory in Tingjiang. . When he was 26 years old. In 1986, Poon Poon Yan settled in Hong Kong to settle development, has founded Hong Kong Bang Fai Enterprises Limited and Hong Kong Bonhui United Holdings Limited. In 1993, he returned to invest in business, set up Fujian Banghui Group. After several years of arduous struggle, it now has the scale of 18 subordinate subsidiaries and two Hong Kong companies. It has become a comprehensive enterprise group with industry, real estate, building decoration, large-scale hotel and service industries as its pillar industries. A modern enterprise management system has been formed to enable the enterprises to enter a new stage of standardization and modernization. From a small-scale enterprise with an annual output of only a few hundred thousand yuan, it has grown to a large-scale enterprise group with an annual output value of more than 200 million yuan and an asset value of 384 million yuan. It maintained a good momentum of growth with an average annual growth rate of 15%. Since the founding of the Group, the Group has continuously strengthened its investment. With a four-star scale, Banghui Hotel Fuzhou has opened its business in May. An investment of over 100 million Mawei Bangui Hotel of equal size is under construction. At present, Banghui Group invests in the vast land of Fujian and Fujian, and increasingly covers the motherland from north to south. Its business operations have expanded to Japan, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions.
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