
来源 :中国皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woainiyuying
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成都皮鞋业的发展走过了不平凡的二十年,尤其是民营企业的崛起 撑起了整个成都皮鞋业的大 成绩是显而易见的 面对号称中国鞋都的温州,面对气势庞大的江苏森达、面对制鞋精英台湾大举人陆办厂 成都鞋业在中国皮鞋业里仍占一席之地,这不能不说是成都皮鞋业的骄傲。 但是,在成绩的背后,也引发出许多令我们深思的问题 中国是世界最大的皮鞋生产国和出口国 面对世界皮鞋业发展的态势和中国皮鞋业市场竞争的日趋激烈,成都皮鞋业发展战略思维如何定位?如何应对变化无穷的世界经济 如何应对国内外日益成熟的消费者,如何应对我们皮鞋业自身的短板?发展战略对成都到鞋业来讲也就是研讨战略、战术,以规范而又具有可操作性的策略来求生存、求发展。 The development of Chengdu’s leather shoes industry has gone through an extraordinary period of 20 years. In particular, the rise of private enterprises has propelled the achievements of Chengdu’s leather footwear industry. It is evident that in the face of the so-called Chinese shoes capital, Wenzhou, facing a huge momentum of Jiangsu Sen Tatsu, the face of shoe-making elite Taiwan’s large people Lulu Chengdu shoes still occupy a place in China’s leather shoes industry, which can not be said that Chengdu leather shoes industry’s pride. However, behind the results, it also caused many problems that we think deeply. China is the world’s largest leather shoe producer and exporter in the face of the development trend of the world’s leather shoes industry and the increasingly fierce competition in the Chinese leather shoe market. The development strategy of the Chengdu shoe industry How to position the thinking? How to deal with the ever-changing world economy How to deal with the increasingly mature consumers at home and abroad, how to deal with the shortcomings of our leather shoes industry? Development strategy for Chengdu to the footwear industry is also to discuss strategy, tactics, to regulate and It also has operational strategies for survival and development.
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