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国务委员兼国家科委主任宋健在第一次“火炬”计划工作会议上讲话说:发展高技术、新技术产业,必须坚持对外开放的方针,培养和造就大批懂技术、会经营、熟悉国际市场的企业家,面向国际市场,在国际竞争中取胜.宋健同志谈到这样一件令人感慨的事:一种蜂房式无线电话,目前正在发达国家迅速普及,不仅可以装在办公室、住宅里,甚至在奔跑的汽车里可以随时随地与世界各地通话联络.这种新技术电话,1980年上海邮电部第一研究所就已研制成功,由于生产部门不感兴趣,没有形成新技术商品.有两个欧洲国家抓住时机,派来几十个人在中国推销这种新型电话,抢占市场.他们先卖给大庆六百万美元的产品,又在广州签定了六千万美元的合同,然后又到深圳、厦门去洽谈生 Song Jian, state councillor and director of the State Science and Technology Commission, spoke at the first “Torch” plan work conference: “To develop high-tech and new-technology industries, we must adhere to the policy of opening up to the outside world and cultivate and cultivate a large number of people who understand technology, conduct business, and become familiar with it. Entrepreneurs in the international market faced the international market and won international competition. Comrade Song Jian talked about such an emotional thing: a kind of cellular radiotelephone, which is rapidly gaining popularity in developed countries and can not only be installed in offices, In the house, even in the running car can call and communicate with the world at any time and anywhere. This new technology phone, the first institute of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in Shanghai in 1980 has been successfully developed, because the production department is not interested, no new technology products. Two European countries seized the opportunity to send dozens of people to market this new type of phone in China to seize the market. They first sold the product to Daqing with six million US dollars and signed a contract of 60 million U.S. dollars in Guangzhou. Then went to Shenzhen and Xiamen to discuss life
本文提出了一种基于功能覆盖率的伪随机验证方法,该方法能根据功能覆盖率的反馈自动生成测试向量进行测试,能提高验证的效率和质量,缩短设计时间,降低验证成本。 In this pa
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在课堂教学中,老师们的一些教学行为让我们不禁想到两个字“复制”。有一部分老师的敬业表现就是毫无保留地将自己头脑中的认知“复制”给学生,让学生 In classroom teachin