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1958-2008,对于中国而言,这是风云激荡的五十年。中共中央机关刊也走过了不平凡的五十年历程。从《红旗》到《求是》的这五十年里,党刊见证了自身的变动与发展,见证了中国的变革与成长,见证了中国的艰难与崛起,也见证了时代的变迁与风云的变幻。 1958-2008, For China, this is a stirring 50 years. The CPC Central Committee organs have also gone through an extraordinary 50 years of history. During the 50 years from “red flag” to “seeking truth”, party journals witnessed their own changes and developments, witnessed the transformation and growth of China, witnessed the difficulties and the rise of China, and witnessed the changes and changes in the times Change.
剖析日产离心式氨压缩机防喘振控制系统用户组态程序存在的严重错误,以及目前暂时使用的修改方案,领会到运算模块使用原则的重要性,同时学到一些运算模块的使用技巧。 Analy
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On June 5th Oxiranchem (Tengzhou) Co Ltd,a joint venture between Liaoning Oxiranchem,Inc (CCR 2010 No.11 page 13) and Shandong Tengzhou Chenlong Energy Group,a
春风细雨润心田,一颗红心走千家。他就是“全国司法行政系统先进工作者”——北京市海淀区四季青镇司法所所长陈光毅。他为百姓办事满腔热忱,自然,百姓也尊重他。 Misty hea
1.Present status of the spandex sectorSpandex is a fiber with high elasticity.China’sspandex sector in has developed rapidly in recentyears,which has in turn p
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