
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Javayuyu
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三十多年过去了,他的音容笑貌不时在我脑际浮现。欧道修,我的班长。那年我十八岁,当兵来到西藏边防某团一连六班。到连队的当晚,班长安顿我们新兵睡下后,才和两个老兵操起木工行头,续接他们自己的床铺。我因感冒,加之头痛,睡不着,瞅着他们忙碌到凌晨四点多钟,才上床歇息。我刚迷迷糊糊地睡着,起床号响了。于是,使劲想撑起来,但怎么也爬不起来,只好向班长请了假。早操结束后,班长拿着药,端上开水来到我面前,伺候我把药服下,还叫我躺下好好休息。顿时, More than thirty years later, his voice and sorrow appeared in my mind from time to time. European Road repair, my monitor. That year, I was eighteen years old and I came to visit a certain group of border defense troops in Tibet for six in a row. To the company’s night, the squad leader settled our recruits to sleep, and only two veterans joke woodworking, continued access to their own bed. I was caught in a cold, coupled with a headache, could not sleep, and looked at them busy until 4 o’clock in the morning before going to bed and rest. I was asleep and fell asleep. So hard to hold it up, but how can not climb up, had to leave the squad leader. Morning exercises ended, the monitor holding a medicine, the end of the water came to me, waiting for me to take the medicine, but also told me to lie down and take a rest. Suddenly,
It was Sunday. I never get upearly 1 Sundays. I sometimesstay 2 until lunch time.Last Sunday I 3 very late. I looked 4 the window. It was dark outside. “What
这是一个流溢着大自然神奇的海角,传说是亚当阿斯特神化作的峥嵘丘岳;航海者敢于惊扰他不断巡游的魂灵,必将遭到他怒号的狂风和肆虐的雷暴。 This is a magical cape that
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