开展资产督查工作 提升资产管理水平

来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zybzsj
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近期,根据全总资产监督管理部《关于对县以上工会企事业资产监督管理情况进行督查的通知》的精神,我们成立了工会资产监督督查小组,由分管领导主抓,通过精心组织、制发文件、自查自纠、督促整改,对县以上工会企事业资产监督管理情况进行了全面的督查指导,有效促进了工会资产监督管理工作的落实和规范。一、夯实了督查工作的基础我市县以上工会企事业单位共11家,其中市总本级4家,各县市区总工会7家。截止2011年末,全市工会企事业单位共占地63608.06平方米,土地使用证办证率100%;建筑面积共14367.13平方 Recently, in accordance with the “Notice on Supervision over the Supervision and Management of Assets of Enterprises and Industrial Enterprises above County Level” issued by the General Assets Supervision and Administration Department, we set up a supervisory inspection team for the supervision of trade union assets, Issued documents, queried themselves and urged rectification and reform, conducted a comprehensive supervision and guidance over the supervision and administration of the assets of enterprises and institutions above the county level, and effectively promoted the implementation and regulation of the supervision and administration of trade union assets. First, to consolidate the basis of inspection work Over the city above the county trade unions a total of 11 enterprises and institutions, including the city at the level of 4, 7 counties in all counties. As of the end of 2011, the city’s trade unions and public institutions occupy a total area of ​​63,608.06 square meters, land use permits certification rate of 100%; construction area of ​​a total of 14,387.13 square feet
In this paper, we report the investigation of the interaction between room temperature phosphorescence(RTP) probe, α bromonaphthalene( α BrN), and a
在水泥灌浆技术中,首先要搞清楚机理问题,而后才能制订出最适当的施工方法.一、填塞好裂隙的必要条件水泥灌浆的主要任务之一,是填塞岩体中 In the cement grouting techno
NO.1Theanaltwofbf1selevdandawttionpe(:I]al,ueanditSaPPlicat1oI1………… WANHmi。,LIUZhaun(1)7k:llzxiocvofdallneartngstrUCtllZHl:lZI1l11Hined。talyhan………………
会议 2月 2 3~ 2 4日在郑州科技馆召开 ,到会学会理事与代表 2 0 0人。省国土资源厅厅长卫斌、副厅长兼地质学会理事长段子清、省科学技术学会助理巡视员、学会部部长叶琳出席
The fast development of science and technology helps facilitate language learning. But at the same time it also brings a lot of trouble to teachers, especially