
来源 :法制博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sider
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市场化是现代司法鉴定制度的一个重要特征,这也是司法鉴定制度发展必然出现的结果。然而,鉴定机构在市场化进程中,必然会遭受市场的某些不良因素的影响,譬如恶性竞争、严重的趋利化等,从而出现违反客观真实与司法公正出具鉴定意见以及“多次鉴定”、“久鉴不决”等导致司法效率低下的现象,严重损害司法公信力。本文研究鉴定机构市场化对司法公信力产生的正面效应与负面影响及其产生的原因,探索消解鉴定机构市场化负面效应的途径,论证提高司法鉴定公信力的重要的意义。文章分为司法鉴定机构市场化、鉴定机构市场化对司法公信力的影响、鉴定机构市场化削弱司法公信力的原因、消解鉴定机构市场化负面影响的途径探索四个部分。 Marketization is an important feature of modern judicial appraisal system, which is also the inevitable result of the development of forensic appraisal system. However, in the process of marketization, the appraisal agency will inevitably suffer some unfavorable factors of the market, such as vicious competition, serious profit-seeking and so on, so as to violate the objective truth and judicial fairness and issue appraised opinion and multiple identification “, ” Long Kam indecisive "and other lead to the phenomenon of low judicial efficiency, seriously jeopardizing the credibility of the judiciary. This paper studies the positive and negative effects of the marketization of appraisal institutions on the credibility of the judiciary and its causes, explores the ways to eliminate the negative effects of appraisal institutions’ marketization, and demonstrates the important significance of enhancing the credibility of judicial appraisals. The article is divided into four parts: the marketization of forensic institutes, the impact of the appraisal agency marketization on the judicial credibility, the reason why the appraisal agency marketization weakens the credibility of the judiciary, and the ways of eliminating the negative effects of appraisal agency marketization.
采用阻抗管传递函数法测试了5种不同规格经编间隔织物在声频为100~2 500 Hz时的吸声系数,分析了织物结构参数对吸声性能的影响,并比较了该织物与常用吸声、衬垫材料海绵在吸声
据报道用抗CD4 3的单克隆抗体证实不同分化阶段的B细胞可分为CD4 3+ B细胞或CD4 3 B细胞两群。因此有人推断CD4 3+ B细胞如同CD5 + B细胞一样代表一个独立的B细胞系。本实验表明B细胞在美州商
重组人骨形成蛋白 7(rhBMP 7)在体内和体外都显示了高效的骨诱导活性[1] 。可刺激成骨细胞、类成骨细胞及已分化的人骨细胞 ,促进其增殖和胶原合成以及细胞中碱性磷酸酶增加。在长