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读罢此题,诸君难免窃笑:视吾等为三岁小儿,不知教案为何物。可气,可恶。 的确,任何一个教师,或者有过从教经历的人大约没有人没写过教案。 不过君且莫笑,气则更加不必。尽管您或许是一位从教十几载甚或几十载的资深教师,或许是一位学富满车的学问大家,您未必真正明白“教案”为何 After reading this question, the monarchs will inevitably snicker: As we are three-year-old children, I do not know what the lesson plan is. Exasperating, hateful. Indeed, almost no one teacher or anyone who has had a teaching experience has not written a lesson plan. However, the king is not laughing and the qi is even more unnecessary. Although you may be a senior teacher from a dozen or even dozens of years of teaching, perhaps a scholar who is learning a full car, you may not really understand why the “teacher” is.
Accurate estimation of clocks, for example for the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment(GRACE)twin-satellites, is a critical part of precise orbit determination(POD) that ensures temporal gravity i
教案,每一个当老师的人都要写,也都会写。但是,你在写教案的同时是否思考过到底什么是教案?你是否真正理解教案在教学中的意义和作用? The lesson plans are written by eve
We investigate attenuation scattering and loss properties in Souss basin(SW of High-Atlas) as a transition zone between the High and Anti Atlas ranges. This district consists in a thinned crustal patc
In this study, the relative gravity data(2012 e2015), GPS data-derived horizontal deformation(2011 e2014) and the background vertical deformation from the leveling measurements(1970 e2011) in the nort