Studies on Treatment of Psoriasis with Integrative Medicine

来源 :中国中西医结合杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengyan1205
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Psoriasis is a com-mon, easy to recur, chro-nic inflammatory diseaseof the skin. The exactcause of it is still un-known, and there aremany hypotheses for it,such as heredity, infec-tion, metabolic disorder,endocrine influence, neu-ro-psychic fact6rs, immunologic disorder. Treat-ment of psoriasis by traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) is carried on in a nationwide drive andmuch work on its clinical and experimental study has been doen. The trend of study goes,of course,in the light of our own nationl conditions.
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ProfessorJIANGCi pengwasborninXiangxiangCounty,HunanProvince,China.HewaseducatedinXiangyaSchoolofMedicineforfiveyearsandgraduate ProfessorJIANGCi pengwasborninXiangxiangCounty, HunanProvince, China. Hewaseducatedin XiangyaSchoolofMedicineforfiveyearsandg
It is believed that acne is a multifactorial dis-ease, and its clinical expression depends on the in-teraction of several factors: (1) increased produc-tion of
以吴泾八期扩建工程2×600 MW机组1号炉省煤器输灰管改造为实例,提出了燃煤电厂省煤器输灰管路区域设计应用改进的方案及构想,总结了改造成功的经验及尚需更加优化完善的方案,为
脊索瘤起源于胚胎脊索残余组织 ,好发于骶尾骨和颅底的蝶枕软骨处 ,多见于 40~ 60岁男性 ,是一种少见肿瘤 ,我院收治一例。报告如下。患者女性 ,6岁 ,入院前 15天因患“感冒”