心力衰竭(HF)泛指心脏在有适量静脉回流的情况下,排出的血液不足以维持身体组织代谢需要的一种病理状态。所谓难治性心力衰竭(Refractory Heart Failure,RHF),指病情严重,经最适宜的常规治疗方法后,HF不能得到控制的状态。RHF多见于晚期或终末期心脏病患者,但也可由各种心外因素或并发症所致。据统计RHF占慢性HF之8—15%,因治疗困难,病情常迅速恶化,死亡率高。本文重点探讨RHF的诊断及治疗。
Heart failure (HF) refers to the heart in the case of adequate venous return, the discharge of blood is not enough to maintain the metabolism of the body tissue needs a pathological state. The so-called refractory heart failure (Refractory Heart Failure, RHF), refers to the serious condition, after the most appropriate conventional treatment, HF can not be controlled. RHF more common in patients with advanced or end-stage heart disease, but can also be caused by a variety of extra-cardiac factors or complications. According to statistics, HFF accounts for 8-15% of chronic HF, due to the difficulty of treatment, the condition often deteriorates rapidly and the mortality rate is high. This article focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of RHF.