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以国有企业改革为重点,实现经济体制改革新的突破,是党的十五大提出的战略任务,也是今后经济发展具有全局意义的重大问题。企业的根本问题是人的问题。建立起与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的企业干部人事制度,培养造就一支高素质的企业经营管理者队伍,是深化国有企业改革、振兴国有企业的根本保证。机构改革前的中国石油天然气总公司,以深化国有企业干部人事制度改革为重点,在全系统推行了旨在有利于优秀人才脱颖而出的企业领导人员选拔任用制度——“三干法” (即:以“本人申请干,群众拥护干,组织批准干”为核心的干部聘任制度 ),并在推行过程中不断规范与完善,取得了突出的成效。为了从理论和实践的结合上深入研究“三干法”,探索建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的企业干部人事制度,中共中央党校科研部、全国加强国有企业领导班子建设协调小组办公室、中国石油天然气总公司人教局于 1997年联合成立了“建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的企业干部人事制度”课题组,组织中央国家有关部门的专家学者就此进行专题研究。课题组先后对大庆油田、辽河油田和中原油田进行了深入的调查,在此基础上进行了分析与研究,并形成了一系列调研报告。研究报告上报中央后,引起中央有关领导同志的重视,并做 Focusing on the reform of state-owned enterprises and realizing a new breakthrough in the reform of the economic structure are the strategic tasks put forward by the 15th National Party Congress and also the major issues of overall significance for the future economic development. The fundamental problem of business is the human problem. The establishment of an enterprise cadre and personnel system compatible with the socialist market economic system and the cultivation of a highly qualified team of enterprise managers are the fundamental guarantees for deepening state-owned enterprise reform and rejuvenating state-owned enterprises. Prior to the institutional reform, CNPC, focusing on deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system in state-owned enterprises, implemented the system-wide selection and appointment system for leading members of enterprises to help the outstanding talents emerge - The appointment system of cadres with the core of “applying for cadres, supporting the masses to do their own work, and organizing the approval of cadres”) has been continuously standardized and perfected in the process of implementation and outstanding results have been achieved. In order to thoroughly study the “three dry methods” from the combination of theory and practice, explore the establishment of an enterprise cadre and personnel system that is compatible with the socialist market economy. The Scientific Research Department of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, the Office of the Coordination Group for Strengthening the Leading Group Building for State-owned Enterprises across the country, In 1997, the Huazhu Bureau of Natural Gas Corporation jointly set up a research group called “Establishing a Personnel System for Enterprise Cadres in Accordance with the Socialist Market Economy” and organized experts and scholars from relevant departments of the Central State Government to conduct a special study on this issue. The research group conducted an in-depth investigation of Daqing Oilfield, Liaohe Oilfield and Zhongyuan Oilfield. Based on this analysis and research, a series of research reports were formed. After the research report was submitted to the Central Government, it aroused the attention of the relevant leading comrades in the Central Government and did it
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