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陈述在《党史信息报》上撰文认为:中国共产党历史分为三大篇章,即民主革命篇(从建党到建国),社会主义时期党史前篇(从建国到党的十一届三中全会),社会主义时期党史新篇(从党的十一届三全会到现在),这一观点基本上为党史学界所接受。但中共十一届三中全会后的历史如何进行分期,现在尚无定论。根据客观存在的基本矛盾和主要矛盾决定的主要任务的变化来划分中共党史发展的不同时期以及各个时斯的不同阶段的原则,就是说;主要矛盾的变化可以侧重作为划分党史大的时期的标准,主要任务的变化可以侧重作为划分较小历史阶段的标准的原则。我认为应该把建国以来50年的历史以中共十一届三中全会为界标,分为两大段。第一大段为社会主义建设的探索阶段,这段按照中共党史研究界目前已经取得共识的分期方法,分别为新民主主义向社会主义过渡时期,开始全面建设社会主义时期, The statement states in the “Party History Information News” that the history of the Communist Party of China is divided into three major chapters, namely, the chapter of the democratic revolution (from founding the party to the founding of the People’s Republic), the pre-Party History of the Socialist Period (from the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the third Plenary session), a new chapter in the history of socialism (from the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee to the present), this view is basically accepted by the party historians. However, the history of the post-Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of China has not been decided yet. The principle of dividing the different periods of the development of the CPC history and the different phases of each of the Stalinists according to the objective transformation of the basic contradictions and the major tasks of the major contradictions is to say that the major contradictions and changes can be focused on as the period dividing the great history of the party The main tasks of change can focus on the principle of dividing the smaller historical stage of the standard. I think we should divide the 50-year history since the founding of the PRC into the theme of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and divide it into two major sections. The first large section is an exploratory stage for the construction of socialism. According to the staging methods that the Chinese Communist Party history research community has now reached through consensus, it is the transitional period from new democracy to socialism, the beginning of building a socialist era in an all-round way,
北魏末年贾思勰所著的《齐民要术》,是一部我国现存最古老、最完整的农业生产百科全书。它说的可不仅是谋求提高人民生活水平的重要方法,其高妙之处还在于对识人之术的提升,也有所补益。  其中,贾思勰主张从事农业和畜牧业生产,要注重实际效果,不要只看到表面形式。他以养鸡为例,养鸡的人总是喜欢生蛋多的鸡,那就要选秋天或冬天孵出的鸡种,不要选春天或夏天孵出的鸡种。秋冬孵出的鸡虽然个子小,毛色浅,脚也细短,外表不
《北京日报》 2 0 0 0年 12月 18日以近一个整版的篇幅刊登中共中央党校哲学部教授董德刚的文章 ,题为《如何理解“不够格”的社会主义》 ,文章对研究社会主义和资本主义的变