Asia’s Economic Voices

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After several months of unease, economies across Asia are breathing a sigh of relief as recovery hopes become realities. But even with noticeable improvements being made, Asian nations still face the challenge of moving away from a dependence on exports and maintaining growth momentum. These issues were hot topics at this year’s Boao Forum for Asia, with Asia’s green recovery as its theme. More than 2,000 economists and businesspeople from home and abroad attended the forum held in Boao of south China’s Hainan Province from April 9 to 11. Edited excerpts follow: After several months of unease, economies across Asia are breathing a sigh of relief as recovery wishes become beings. But even with noticeable improvements being made, Asian nations still face the challenge of moving away from a dependence on exports and maintaining growth momentum. These issues were hot topics at this year’s Boao Forum for Asia, with Asia’s green recovery as its theme. More than 2,000 economists and businesspeople from home and abroad attended the forum held in Boao of south China’s Hainan Province from April 9 to 11. Edited excerpts follow:
On a Friday evening in early April Yang Xu,a 24-year-old real estate ugent in Beijing,made several calls during a simple dinner.After learning the owner of an
China looks for a trade balance after falling away from surplus for the first time in six years.
Green recovery"and"low-carbon opportunity"were repeated catchphrases at this year's Boao Forum for Asia(BFA)held on Aoril 9-11in Boao,a scenic town of south Ch
1病案资料  患者女,40岁。主诉:腰痛伴活动受限1年余。1年前患者无明显诱因下出现腰部酸痛,长时间坐位及下蹲后站起后加重,在当地医院行相关检查,提示“腰5骶1椎间盘突出”,经卧
Boao forum participants discuss how the foreign currency reserve pool for Asian countries can promote regional financial cooperation.