任长霞,一位任河南登封市公安局长仅3年的干部,因公殉职后,全市老少为之悲痛不息,14万群众自发送行。此情此景告诉你,什么叫惊天地,泣鬼神,感动了人民群众! 与之形成鲜明对照,有类人却只被他的上级所欣赏感动。典型人物如李真,河北省委原书记程维高对其百般袒护,竭力提携,几年间,由一介平民升至正厅级领导干部。没有感动,程维高咋会不顾一切地宠爱? 都是为官,有的感动了人民群众,有的感动了上级领导,都是感动,却如此的泾渭分明、天壤之别:
Ren Changxia, a cadre who served only as director of Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau in Henan Province for only three years, died in grief for the young and old in the city as a result of his death on duty. 140,000 people sent their autographs. This scene tells you what is shaking the world, weeping ghosts and gods, touched the people! In stark contrast, some people are only touched by his superiors. Typical figures such as Li Zhen, Hebei Provincial Committee of the original secretary Cheng Wei Gao to protect it from all aspects, 竭力 carrying, a few years, from a civilian rose to the rank of leading cadres. Did not move, Cheng Wei Gao Zher desperate to spoil? Are officials, some touched the people, and some moved the higher leadership, are touched, but so completely different, a big difference: