巧设陷阱 让学生爱上语文

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1.以真情的投入“哄”住学生。从日常教学中许多细微之处对学生科学引导,热情帮助,让学生切实感受到老师的爱心和对自己的关怀,使之“亲其师,信其道”。长时间的小心呵护,使师生之间产生了默契。一个孩子在日记中写道:“我们都是差生,老师们大都不喜欢我们,不愿在我们班上课,只有您,夸我们聪明能干,一点点进步都逃不过您的眼睛,从不吝啬溢美之词,我愿意上您的语文课。”就是这些被看成“差生”的孩子,在平安 1. With the truth of investment “coax ” students. From the many subtleties of daily teaching to guide students in science, enthusiasm to help students feel the teacher’s love and care for themselves, so that “pro-teacher, believe it.” Care for a long time, so that students and students have a tacit understanding. A child wrote in his diary: “We are poor students, most of the teachers do not like us, do not want to be in our class, only you, praise us smart and capable, a little bit of progress can not escape your eyes, never stingy Beautiful words, I am willing to your language class. ”It is these are seen as “ poor students ”children, in peace
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本文报道了几年来在浙江各主要麻区对红麻病害调查所发现的五种以前未报道过的病害,即茎枯病Corynesporacassiicola(Berk.et curt.)Wei、灰星病(又称茎腐病)Tubercularia abu
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鱼帮水,水帮鱼没有鱼的水是死水,没有水的鱼是死鱼努力“见大人则友之”,则自己就有可能成为“大人” Fish to help water, water to help fish Fish without water is stag
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尼氏钝绥螨(Amblyseius nicholsi Ehara et Lee)喜食红蜘蛛和多种植物花粉。1979年我们在室内用地棠黄花和蓖麻花粉另加30%的白糖水饲养尼氏钝绥螨,均能完成个体发育,不改变
三、抗性的遗传 对品种抗性遗传的研究,不仅能为当前的抗性育种提供科学依据,也是解决害虫“生物型”问题的钥匙。国际水稻所1971年开始研究品种对褐稻虱抗性的遗传,发现Mud