UV-induced self-assembly of the inclusion complexes formed between a long-chain photochromic spiropy

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfastcandmuzi
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Photochromic spiropyran with a long chain alkyl substitute can form axial complexes with α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrin, respectively. The complexes show normal photochromism. The novel property of the colored forms of the inclusion complexes is that they can assemble into dimers at relatively low concentration or J-aggregates at relatively high concentration. For α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrin, λ_(max) of the J-aggregates appear at 700 650, and 630 nm, respectively. The sizes of the cavities of cyclodextrins have very little effect on the spectra and decoloration kinetics of the dimers, but have great effects on the spectra of the J-aggregates. Unlike the charge transfer complex of Krongauz, the decoloration process of the dimers or J-aggregates cannot be described by an exponential or a two-exponential kinetics, but obey half-order kinetics very well. Another result that can be deduced from the kinetic analysis is that unlike the dimers formed in apolar solvents or in polymers, which consist of a color
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