
来源 :刑法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltcool
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我国《刑法》第129条规定了丢失枪支不报罪。根据我国犯罪构成理论,犯罪构成要件所描述的应当为行为人实施的具体行为及该行为造成的结果,但由于本罪中严重后果产生的前提条件是枪支脱离行为人的实际控制,所以严重后果并非本罪中的行为主体故意、过失使用枪支导致,而是由刑法条文中虽未明确规定,但可以从条文中合乎逻辑推出的行为人之外捡获并使用枪支人员的行为造成。本文认为,本罪的主观罪过事实上可以容纳过失与故意两种形态,且不同主观心态所支配行为需要对应不同层次的刑事责任,当前本罪配置的单一法定刑并不能满足对不同心态下丢失枪支不报行为的处罚要求。 Article 129 of the Criminal Law of China stipulates that the loss of firearms should not be reported. According to the theory of constitution of crime in our country, the concrete behavior which should be carried out by the perpetrator and the result of the act described by the elements of crime constitution are described. However, the serious consequence of the serious consequence of this crime is the actual control of the detainee. It is not the intentional and negligent use of firearms in this crime, but it is not explicitly stipulated in the articles of criminal law but can be caused by the seizure and use of firearms personnel other than those which are reasonably introduced in the text. This article argues that the subjective sin of this crime can in fact accommodate two forms of negligence and intentionality, and that the behaviors controlled by different subjective states need to correspond to different levels of criminal responsibility. At present, the single statutory punishment of the present crime can not meet the needs of different scenarios Penalties for not reporting guns
In a Conference convened at Princeton University in January 2010, international relations experts were asked to consider, among other things, great power leade
2007年元月,众多明星云集的央视历史大剧《卧薪尝胆》热播,扮演吴王夫差的胡军在此剧中的表现令人惊喜。这个被诸多影迷喜爱的成熟男星在继电影《蓝宇》、《好奇害死猫》,电视剧《天龙八部》、《一江春水向东流》中有上佳表现后,又一次验证了他不俗的演技和无法阻挡的魅力。  然而,不知是因为胡军擅长饰演怜香惜玉的英雄大侠,在戏里透出的那股阳刚之气令人遐想,还是在戏外,他那不拘小节、嗜酒如命的个性令人猜测,自他
她和男人是十几年前那种老土的介绍婚姻。那天嫂子替她相亲回来,向她母亲汇报说:“啊呀,那家人条件蛮好,房梁这么粗……”她还没从一场伤心的爱情中挣脱出来,一边听,一边自暴自弃地想:那就凑合着结个一房梁那么粗的婚吧。  于是就结婚了。  这场婚姻给她的感觉就像一个倒三角的棱锥,只有一个支点在那里悬悬地支撑着。想着怎么也支撑不久的。也不是没有暴雨惊风,也不是不想冲出围城,倏忽即过的光阴中,有着外人感觉不到
China's policy towards the United States is characterized by "multiple systems and multiple voices," but we currently lack a coherent,clear and accurate strateg