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为切实做好中小学生的安全保护工作,国家教委、劳动部、公安部、交通部、铁道部、国家体委、卫生部日前联合发出通知,决定建立全国中小学生“安全教育日”制度。“安全教育日”安排在每年3月份最后一周的星期一。每年安全日确立一个主题,1996年的主题是“全社会动员起来,人人关心中小学校安全工作”。3月24日晚国务院副总理李岚清就此发表电视讲话。 李岚清指出,要以对国家、民族高度负责的精神,重视对少年儿童的保护,各级政府和有关部门的领导必须牢固树立“安全第一”的意识,时刻把学校安全工作放在心上,不能有丝毫的官僚主义,安全日活动的重点是要通过宣传教育,使广大师生增强安全意识,学习安全知识,逐步提高自护应急能力。要制定切实可行的安全教育工作计划,建立健全安全工作责任制,定期对学校的安全教育和防范工作进行检查,及时发现、消除事故隐患,各地中小学校要在“安全教育日”期间和寒暑假放假前、新学期开学初及班、校会期间,进行安全教育。 In order to effectively do primary and secondary school students’ safety protection, the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Railways, the State Sports Commission and the Ministry of Health have jointly issued a circular recently and decided to establish a “safety education day” system for primary and secondary school students across the country. Safety Education Day is scheduled for Monday of the last week of March each year. The theme of 1996 was “to mobilize the entire society and everyone is concerned about the safety of primary and secondary schools.” On the evening of March 24, Vice Premier Li Lanqing of the State Council delivered a televised address on this. Li Lanqing pointed out: To attach importance to the protection of children and adolescents in the spirit of being highly responsible to the country and the nation, leaders at all levels of government and relevant departments must firmly establish the awareness of “safety first” and keep the school’s safety at heart and can not The slightest emphasis on bureaucratic and security day activities is to promote publicity and education so that the majority of teachers and students will enhance their safety awareness, learn safety knowledge and gradually improve their ability to take emergency care themselves. To develop a work plan for safety education, establish and improve the responsibility system for safety work, conduct regular inspections of school safety education and prevention work, and promptly identify and eliminate hidden dangers of accidents. All primary and secondary schools should take the “Safety Education Day” and winter vacation Before the beginning of the new semester and classes, the school during the safety education.
做好新形势下机关后勤工作就要大胆创新 ,创新求生存 ,创新谋发展。经过近几年的实践 ,南京市级机关事务管理局对机关后勤管理工作的创新有了一定认识 ,并进行了一些尝试。一
全国城市公用事业会计学术委员会自来水专业组第二十三次会议于2007年9月5日至9月9日在北京市召开,来自全国29个城市的70多名代表参加了本次会议。 The twenty-third meetin