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在战争年代里,许多共产党员都把党费看得比自己的生命还重要。记得在王愿坚同志所著的革命历史故事《党费》一书中的那位女共产党员,为了保住党费而宁愿牺牲自己的生命,这就是后来搬上银幕的电影故事片《党的女儿》。在艰苦的革命斗争年代里,由于生活条件异常艰苦。人们深知每一个铜板的价值。有时候,也许几分钱就可以救活几个人的生命。因此,人们常常把生的希望留给别人,在自己临咽最后一口气之前,把身上仅有的积蓄作为党费全部交给党组织。他们那种为党的事业不惜牺牲一切的崇高精神至今激励着我们。对于大多数党性观念较强的党员来说,党费绝不能等同于普通的金钱。因此,“党费”是神圣不可亵渎的。建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,随着国家财力的不断增强和人民物质生活条件的不断提高,在某些党组织负责人眼中,党费作为数额有限的资金,已不再被他们看上眼。因此,党费的管理工作也逐渐不再像以前那样重视。特别是各级领导对党费在管理制度方面也有所忽视,造成 During the war years, many Communists saw the party membership as more important than their own lives. I remember that the Communist Party member in the revolutionary history story “Party Dao” by Comrade Wang Yijian would rather sacrifice his own life in order to keep the party expenses. This is the movie “daughter of the party” which was subsequently on the screen. In the difficult era of revolutionary struggle, due to the extremely difficult living conditions. People know every copper value. Sometimes, maybe a few cents can save several people’s lives. Therefore, people often leave the hope of life to others, and before the last breath of their own, give the only savings they have on their part to Party organizations as part of their dues. Their lofty spirit of sacrificing everything for the party’s cause has inspired us so far. For most Party members with a strong sense of the party spirit, party membership must not be equated with ordinary money. Therefore, “party fee ” is sacred can not be profane. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, with the constant increase of state financial resources and the continual improvement of people’s material living conditions, Party dignitaries, as the heads of some Party organizations, are no longer regarded by them as a limited amount of funds. Therefore, the administration of party bills has also gradually ceased to be as valued as before. In particular, leaders at all levels have also neglected party dues in the management system, resulting in them
针对目前公路管理部门人事制度方面存在与当前市场经济规律相左的部分现象,提出个人的几点改革建议和构想。 In view of the current phenomenon that the road management
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宋平同志指出: 江苏向陕西省贫困地区派送大批干部,进行扶贫和干部交流的作法应予重视,这是陈俊生同志指出: 经济发达省份帮助、支援经济不够发达的省份,富帮穷,走共同富裕