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中国共产党优秀党员、久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,原中共江苏省委常委、省政府常务副省长、省政协副主席宫维桢同志,因病医治无效,于2002年5月17日0时58分在南京逝世,享年92岁。宫维桢同志1911年11月出生于山东省莱阳县。1936年夏考入北京弘达学院,同年9月参加党领导的中华民族解放先锋队。“一二·九”运动周年之际,他积极参加学生抗日救亡运动,与国民党反动派进行了英勇的抗争。1937年5月,加入中国共产党。“七·七”事变后,面对国家民族内忧外患的严峻形势,在与党组织失去联系的情况下,回乡积极开展民先工作,发动群众抗战。1937年9月起先后任莱阳县民先总队部区队长、胶东民先总队部宣传干事;同年6月恢复党组织关系;1938年7月起历任山东黄县工委书记、县委书记,蓬黄战区指挥部政治部主任兼北海特委宣传部长,胶东地区党委党校校长,胶东区党委民运部副部长,胶东区党委宣传部副部长、部长等职。在复杂而艰难的环境中,为建立巩固抗日根据地和开辟敌后抗日斗争新局面作出了重要贡献。 Outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a proven communist fighter, the former Communist Party of China Jiangsu Provincial Committee, executive vice governor of the provincial government, provincial CPPCC Vice Chairman Gong Weizhen comrades invalid for medical treatment on May 17, 2002 0:58 in Nanjing, died at the age of 92. Gong Weizhen was born in November 1911 in Laiyang County, Shandong Province. In the summer of 1936 admitted to Beijing Hongda College, in September the same year to participate in the party leading the liberation of the vanguard. On the anniversary of the “December 29 Movement,” he actively participated in the student anti-Japanese national salvation movement and held heroic protests with the Kuomintang reactionaries. In 1937 May, joined the Chinese Communist Party. After the “July 7 Incident”, in the face of the grim situation of the internal and external disturbances of the nation and the state, with the loss of contact with the party organizations, they returned home to carry out their work as a forerunner and start the masses’ war of resistance against Japan. In 1937 September has served as Laiyang County first corps divisional captain, Jiaodong Minnan Corps propaganda officer; the same year in June to restore the relationship between the party organization; in July 1938 served as Shandong Huang County Work Committee, county party secretary, yellow Theater District Command political department director and the North Sea special propaganda minister, Jiaodong regional party school principal, Jiaodong district party committee vice minister of democracy, Jiaodong district party committee propaganda department vice minister, minister and other staff. In a complicated and difficult environment, it has made an important contribution to establishing a new situation in consolidating the anti-Japanese base areas and opening up an anti-Japanese struggle behind enemy lines.
1  去年年初起,我升职为公司在西部某省的销售总监。  升职意味着更多责任。我负责的省份与自己家相距千里,这意味着我绝大多数时间在各地出差,而初二的儿子正值学业的关键时期。  我虽是职场女强人,却从未懈怠过做母亲的天职。从小学一年级起,儿子的功课都是我辅导。无论工作多么忙,我晚上从不应酬,每晚7点~9点,我都关掉手机陪读。  但是家里刚刚买了大房子,我公公的血液病治疗又需要大笔资金。囿于家庭经济、
目的 :对我院医院感染管理完善提出可行性建议,对医院感染发生进行有效控制。方法 :根据我院实际情况,构建感染控制体系。通过强化感染控制意识、完善相关监测工作,进一步控
以电动葫芦为动力装置的简易升降机造价低廉,使用方便,但缺少明确的设计安装标准。为保证设备的安全运行,本文对其设计安装,维护管理,监督检验等方面提出一些基本要求。 Eas