
来源 :中学时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SoDoLa
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新一轮高中课程改革把学习方式的转变提到了一个相当高的高度来强调。试想,如果一个在学校中度过近十年的孩子,整天处于被动的应付、机械的训练、死记硬背、简单重复之中,对于所学的内容也就难免生吞活剥、一知半解、似懂非懂。很难想象,在他的一生中,能够具有创新的精神和创新的能力,能够成为幸福生活的创造者和美好社会的建设者,能够用自己的眼睛去观察,用自己的头脑去判别,用自己的语言去表达,能够成为一个独特的自我,这都将是一件难以达到的事情。足见,学生学习方式的转变迫在眉睫。 A new round of high school curriculum reform to change the way of learning referred to a very high altitude to emphasize. Imagine if a child who spent nearly ten years in school is passive, coping with mechanical training, rote memorization and simple repetition, it is inevitable that he or she will not know what to learn understand. It is hard to imagine that in his life, he could have the spirit of innovation and ability to innovate. He could become the creator of a happy life and the builder of a good society. He could use his own eyes to observe and use his own mind to judge To express in your own language and be able to become a unique self will all be hard to achieve. It shows that the change of student learning mode is imminent.
This paper studies the trend in which industrial enterprises’benefits allocation pattern changed,and the reasons for those rapid changes in China from 1997 to
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一个外出打工的农民工,一个享誉整个城市的足疗品牌,他开创了这个品牌,并用踏实敢干的创业精神做大了自己的品牌,他叫郭家富,他的品牌就是“富侨保健”。 A migrant worker
This paper describes a building subsidence deformation prediction model with the self-memorization principle.According to the non-linear specificity and monoton
求文就膨润土在建筑涂料中的作用及其建筑外墙涂料的制备作了研究,指出膨润土用于建筑涂料不仅可以降低涂料成本,而且还可以提高涂料的性能。 The article discussed the role