挖掘潜力 讲究科学 综合利用——毕定邦副局长谈水产养殖与加工的开拓问题

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浙江是全国主要渔业省之一,为全国提供的商品鱼占50%以上。在近年海洋捕捞产量锐减的情况下,如何发展水产养殖,搞好水产品加工,满足城乡人民对水产蛋白的需要,不仅已为人们所共同关注,而且也已成为一个重大的战略性问题。党的十一届三中全会以来,随着农、渔村政策的落实和今年3月中央《关于放宽政策,加速发展水产业的指示》的贯彻,一个声势浩大的水产养殖与加工热潮正在兴起,尤其是专业户、承包户与联合体等个体、集体养殖和加工单位,如雨后春笋纷纷崛起。为进一步发挥广大群众养殖与加工的生力军作用,把养殖与加工推向新的高潮,本刊特请主管部门领导及生产、科研单位科技人员发表谈话和撰写文章来阐述这方面的见解。从这期起将陆续刊载。 Zhejiang is one of the major fishery provinces in the country, accounting for more than 50% of the fish provided for the country. How to develop aquaculture, improve aquatic product processing and meet the needs of urban and rural people for aquatic protein has not only attracted people’s attention, but also become a major strategic issue under the circumstance of sharp drop in ocean fishing production in recent years. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with the implementation of the policy on agriculture and fishing villages and the implementation of the “Directive on Relaxing Policies and Accelerating the Development of Fisheries” conducted by the Central Government in March this year, a massive aquaculture and processing boom is on the rise. In particular, specialized households, contractors and consortia and other individuals, collective breeding and processing units, such as springing up after another. In order to give full play to the broad masses of the people’s livelihood and the role of processing and breeding and processing to a new climax, the magazine special leadership and production and scientific research units of scientific and technological personnel to speak and write articles to elaborate on this view. From this period will be published one after another.
经典的《泰坦尼克号》浮上了水面。走在路上可以听到那首回肠荡气的《MyHeart Will Go On》,身边的好友一遍又一遍地对我诉说,他们怎样为之震撼,为之落泪。每一次的音乐响起