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水利水电工程闸门启闭机的选择,最主要的原则是保证闸门在启闭运行中灵活可靠,综合指标经济合理,在可能条件下兼顾“一机多用”。由于水工闸门的启闭,是以在任何情况下都必须满足水量蓄泄要求为前提的,所以,操作这些闸门的启闭机的参数就比一般通用启闭设备的参数有较大的不同。譬如:它的启闭扬程较大(有的高达60~80米);工作运行的时间性较强,而年运行次数却不多,每次工作的时间也不长;把通用机械用于水工方面时,其共 Water conservancy and hydropower project gate hoist choice, the most important principle is to ensure that the gate in the opening and closing operation of flexible and reliable, comprehensive indicators of economic and reasonable, under the possible conditions of both “one machine and more.” As the hydraulic gate opening and closing, in any case must meet the water storage requirements for the premise, so the operation of these gate hoist parameters than the general opening and closing equipment parameters are quite different . For example: its opening and closing head larger (some as high as 60 to 80 meters); working time is strong, but the number of years in operation is not much time for each work is not long; the general machinery for water When working, its total
The results obtained using the group model of earthquakes generated in tectonic blocks are further used in this paper to analyze the relationship between the M
《中国岩石地层辞典》  由高振家等主编的《中国岩石地层辞典》一书 ,是以全国各省 (市、自治区 )地层多重划分对比研究成果为基础 ,并作了大量的资料补充和研究编纂而成的
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第  1 期·矿床地质·磷氢化物是磷的主要迁移形式郑大中 (1)……………………………………………………………………………………官田黄铁矿矿床中楚碲铋矿、赫碲铋矿的成