人生修养——静 净 敬

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人无贵贱之分,却有高下之别,所以自古就有了君子和小人之谓。高下是从人品和人格的角度区分的,这源自于每个人的修养。回望60年的人生路,观察与己相交的人,我觉得修养要追求三个字:静、净、敬。一说静,就是追求宁静致远的境界,做到每遇大事有静气。世界是物质的,所以是功利的、喧嚣的、浮躁的,好利恶害是人的本性。人生旅途上充满种种考验,有着诸多沟沟坎坎,有时复杂多变,有时是非混淆,这时就需要静,难 There is no distinction between noble and cheap, but there are differences between the next, so the gentleman and the villain since ancient times that. High is distinguished from the perspective of character and personality, which stems from everyone’s self-cultivation. Looking back on the road to life for 60 years and observing people who have intersected with each other, I think cultivation should pursue the following three words: static, net and respect. A calm, that is, the pursuit of a realm of tranquility, so that every event there is a quiet life. The world is material, it is utilitarian, noisy, impetuous, evil and evil are human nature. Full of life on the road full of tests, there are many ditch Cankan, sometimes complex and changeable, and sometimes non-confusing, then you need static, difficult
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立意自定并非没有立意,在高考阅卷过程中,我们发现了大量的没有自己的立意只是一味图解话题的作文,这就是典型的大路货作文。这类作文写得再好,按规定也得不到理想的分数。    1.三大误区    (1)假、大、空  高考作文,要求考生写自己真实的思想。但在批阅过程中我们发现考生编造情节的现象较普遍,一些考生为博同情得高分,不惜编造,如家里父母“离婚”、“死亡”之类的假情节,很明显是编的;还有的考生动辄编
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很多时候风格的划分很难辨认,就好像Vintage在北欧家具设计词汇中基本显露不出端倪,不知是出于斯堪的Skandinavien Design(纳维亚设计风格)里“几十年如一日”的高度统一感,
(一) 一台小四轮拖拉机,工作中机油压力不稳,机手判断为机油泵工怍不正常。在拆卸修理机油泵时不慎撕坏垫片,机手就用白纸壳自制两个纸垫代替。安装后机油压力仍不稳,不一会