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党的十七届六中全会确立了建设社会主义文化强国的宏伟目标,提出了推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业的伟大战略。当前全党全国人民正在努力把握这一难得历史机遇,凝聚各方智慧力量,以高度的文化自觉和文化自信贯彻落实全会的战略部署。探索和寻找一定内容的文化产品引导机制是引导广大文化工作者和文化单位自觉践行社会主义核心价值体系,坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,坚决抵制庸俗、低俗、媚俗之风的科学选择,是保证文化产业发展中文化产品的生产与创作的前提,[1]是响应党和国家切实加强对文化产品创作生产的引导多出精品力作号召的具体举措。一定的文化产品生产与创作的引导机制方案,可以为文化产品的管理或创作主体提供发展战略策略指导,从而进一步强化文化产品的精品意识,提升文化在人们生活中的地位,增强民族文化认同,落实大众的文化权利。 The 6th Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee has established the grand goal of building a strong socialist country and has proposed a great strategy to promote cultural industries as the pillar industries of the national economy. At present, the entire party and people across the country are making every effort to grasp this rare historic opportunity to unite the wisdom and strength of all parties and implement the strategic plan of the plenary meeting with a high degree of cultural awareness and cultural confidence. The guiding mechanism of cultural products to explore and find a certain content is to guide the broad masses of cultural workers and cultural units to conscientiously practice the socialist core value system, uphold the direction of the advanced socialist culture, and resolutely resist the scientific choices of vulgarity, vulgarity and vulgarity. The premise of guaranteeing the production and creation of cultural products in the development of cultural industries [1] is a concrete response to the call of the Party and the state to conscientiously strengthen the production of cultural products and guide the production of more excellent works of art. A certain scheme of guide mechanism for the production and creation of cultural products can provide guidance for the development of strategic strategies and strategies for the management or creation of cultural products so as to further strengthen the awareness of quality of cultural products, enhance the status of culture in people’s life, enhance the identification of national cultures, Implement the general public’s cultural rights.
新河乡、陶店乡25.0 ̄30.0cm体长段黄鳝的怀卵率最高,绝对怀卵强度亦较高,新河乡28.0 ̄32.0cm体长段黄鳝♀:♂=1:1,30.0 ̄34.9cm体长段与29.9cm以下体长段黄鳝的平均怀卵强度之间差异显著;陶店乡23.0 ̄26.0cm体长段黄鳝♀:♂=1:1,25.0 ̄29.9cm体长段与24.9cm以下体长段
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