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黄金,自古以来就是荣华富贵的象征。它有光辉的外表,优良的性质,不仅深受人们的喜爱,而且还是国际公认的硬通货。人们爱说:“真金不怕火炼”。原因是,金的熔点很高,在1063℃的环境中才能熔化;金的比重较大,1立方米重达19.3吨。金,“洁身自好”,从来不愿和氧结合,所以化学性质稳定,在高温中也不会生锈。金,“性格温柔”,富有延展能力,绿豆大的一粒黄金,竟可抽成25000米长的细 Gold has been a symbol of prosperity and wealth since ancient times. It has a gorgeous appearance, excellent quality, not only by the people’s favorite, but also internationally accepted hard currency. People love to say: “real gold is not afraid of fire.” The reason is that the melting point of gold is very high, melting in the environment of 1063 ℃; a larger proportion of gold, weighing 19.3 tons of 1 cubic meter. Gold, “clean self”, never combined with oxygen, so chemically stable, will not rust in high temperatures. Gold, “gentle personality”, rich in scalability, a large gold mung bean, can actually pumping into 25,000 meters long thin
十字花科植物中主要硫代葡萄糖苷合成与调节基因的研究进展程坤等(中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京100081)-《中国蔬菜》2010(12)硫代葡萄糖苷(简称硫苷)是 (Advances in