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河南一国有企业泌阳水泥厂,连换12任厂长没救,却在一个农民王义堂手里起死回生,不但当年就扭了亏,而且连年递增盈利。王上任后,针对人浮于事的弊病,把原来的9个正副厂长全部免掉,但对原来的规章制度没有改变,只是不让它成为挂在墙上的空口号,并实行计件工资制。开始,有一部分自由散漫惯了的职工,对王的严格不恭,但王以身作则,办事公正;他早上5点就上班,每天在厂里要呆十几个小时。他的责任心和事业心,最终使职工认可和心服。 针对王义堂现象,一位经济学家评论说:“厂长经理个人的道德境界在相当程度上决定着整个企业的生死兴衰!”这堪谓一针见血的持平之论。 再说合肥的荧菱集团,这是一个拥有总资产26亿元、日产值近千万元 Henan Province, a state-owned enterprises Biyang cement factory, and even replaced the director of any plant 12 saved, but in the hands of a farmer Wang Yitang from the dead, not only the year then turned a loss, but also increasing profits year after year. After he took office, in response to the shortcomings of the floating people, all the nine former and deputy factory directors were removed from office. However, the original rules and regulations were not changed, but they were not allowed to become empty slogans hanging on the wall and the piece-rate wage system was implemented. At first, some of the workers who used to be free and indolent were strictly cynical about the king, but Wang set an example by doing his thing and doing just things. He went to work at 5 am and spent more than a dozen hours in the factory every day. His sense of responsibility and dedication, and ultimately make the workers approved and convinced. According to Wang Yi-tang phenomenon, an economist commented: “The manager’s personal moral level to a considerable extent determines the rise and fall of the entire enterprise life and death!” This is a sharp conclusion. Say Hefei Furui Group, which is a total assets of 2.6 billion yuan, nearly 10 million yuan in output value
数形结合的思想就是将数(量)与形(图)结合起来解决问题的一种方法. 我国著名数学家华罗庚曾说过:“数缺形时少直观,形少数时难入微;数形结合百般好,隔离分家万事休.” 可见数形结合的重要性,如何用图形来展示代数式的几何意义,体现数形结合的思想呢?下面列举几例,供大家参考.    一、验证平方差公式  例1从边长为的大正方形纸板中挖去一个边长为的小正方形纸板后,将其裁成四个相同的等腰梯形(如图1-1)
麻疹通常流行于冬春两季。夏季麻疹较少见,症状开始也不明显,常易错诊、漏诊。 1975年夏季,我们大队散在性地发生了39例麻疹。现就我们诊治的39例,谈谈我们的初步体会。一、
B超引导下自动穿刺活检在涎腺肿块诊断中的应用ApplicationofAutomaticAspirationBiopsyLeadedUtrasonicScanning-BinDiagnosisofSalivaryGlandTumor杨更森郭瑞军胡俊兰... Application of B-guided automated biopsy in the diagnosis of salivary gland tumors Application