利用面积比 列方程解竞赛题

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在初中数学中,有一类利用面积比,列方程解答的好题,它既具有几何与代数的特征,又突出了数形结合的神韵,其内容广泛而深刻,形式灵活而多样,历来被作为数学竞赛命题的重点知识.在数学竞赛辅导中注意利用面积比列方程解题的求解策略和转化技巧,培养学生的创新思维、促进数学思想的相互转化和运用实践,将会增强学生分析问题与解决问题的能力.本文以二个典型实例来揭示利用面积比列方程解题的求解技巧. In junior high school mathematics, there is a good question that uses area ratio and column equations to solve. It not only has the characteristics of geometry and algebra, but also highlights the combination of number and shape. Its content is extensive and profound, and its forms are flexible and diverse. The key knowledge of the math contest proposition. In math tutoring, attention should be paid to the solving strategies and transformation skills of using area equations to solve problems. Cultivating students’ innovative thinking and promoting the mutual transformation and application of mathematics ideas will enhance student’s problem analysis. The ability to solve problems. This paper uses two typical examples to reveal the solving skills of solving problems with area ratio equations.
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