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《曲阳县志》载:“黄山自古出白石,可为碑志诸物,故环山诸村多石工”。黄山盛产汉白玉,脂润坚韧,质地细腻,是雕刻的上等石料。早在汉代,这一带石工就利用黄山汉白玉雕刻碑碣诸物。优良的自然矿藏,加之世代传承的娴熟技艺,使曲阳石雕在两千余年的锤炼中逐渐成就了自己的艺术特色 “Quyang County,” contains: “Huangshan white out of ancient times, for the monument to all things, it is ring more than masonry village.” Huangshan rich white marble, fat tough, delicate texture, is carved fine stone. As early as in the Han Dynasty, masonry in this area made use of Huangshan white marble to inscribe various objects. Excellent natural mineral resources, combined with the inheritance of generations of skilled artisans, Quyang stone carving in more than two thousand years of temper gradually achieved its own artistic characteristics
通过时装创意主题的涵义、审美特性、形成过程的研究,探讨了时装创意主题艺术表现的思维方式及创作方法。 Through the research on the connotation, aesthetic characteri
The title compound has been synthesized, the crystal structure of which has been detorminedby the single-crystal X-ray diffraction method. The crystal belongs
“ 小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡,飞到西来飞到东……”  小蜜蜂哼着小曲在花丛中快乐地飞来飞去!  向日葵:嗨,蜜蜂妹妹!你的英语很好,来给我们当回裁判吧!  小蜜蜂:裁判?你们要PK什么呢?  玫瑰花:句型转换!  百合花:你可要公平公正哦!  小蜜蜂:好呀,没问题。现在就开始吧!  第一关:带有be动词的句型转换  小蜜蜂:请把肯定句改成否定句.  No. 1 I’m a boy. 我是个男孩。  向日葵:
When pursuit eye movement is guided by a light spot which moves at the same velocity asthat of a drifting grating, the reciprocal of the threshold contrast (TC
欧洲化工联合会海水淡化工作组主席、1983年5月在意大利佛罗伦萨召开的第一次国际脱盐和水再利用会议主席Wolfang Pusch博士应邀于1984年4月来我国讲学。 Dr. Wolfang Pusc
In 1979—1982, considerable research works on physical sciences of the oceans were done by Chinese scientists and some fruitful results were achieved. In the f
Two cores and ten surface sediment samples were taken in the western area of Mid-Pacific during the investigation from December 1978 to July 1979. According to