去年五六月间,有三个外国人先后登门来访,几乎都是为了我1981年画的那幅油画《母亲》而来。 一是5月上旬,一位印尼人登门,说他从一本画册中见到《母亲》希望看看原作,并表示要收藏。当我告诉他此画已于1981年由北京市美术家协会收藏,我个人已无支配权时,他很遗憾,问我计划创作什么历史画?8月下旬,突然接到他从印尼打来的长途电话,询问我拟创作的历史画是否已完成?希望完成后务必寄
In May and June last year, three foreigners visited each one after another, mostly for the painting Mother, which I painted in 1981. First, in early May, an Indonesian man went to the door and said he saw “mother” from an album and wanted to see the original and said he would like to collect it. When I told him that this painting was collected by the Beijing Artists Association in 1981 and personally I have no control over it, I regret to ask what historical paintings I plan to create. In late August, I suddenly received a letter from him Long-distance calls, asked whether I want to create the history of painting has been completed?