Research on confirmation of basic technological parameters of tension levellers based on neural netw

来源 :Academic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjh_qj
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Confirmation of basic technological parameters of tension levellers is the most important factor of leveling strip. Up to now, most factories have used experts’ experience to decide these parameters, without any established rule to follow. For better quality of strip, a valid method is needed to decide technological parameters precisely and reasonably. In this paper, a method is used based on neural network and genetic algorithm. Neural network has a good ability to extract rules from work process of tension levellers. Then using neural network, which has learned from a lot of working samples, to be the evaluation of fitness, genetic algorithm could easily find the best or better technological parameters. At the end of this paper, examinations are given to show the effect of this method. Confirmation of basic technological parameters of tension levellers is the most important factor of leveling strip. Up to now, most factories have used experts’ experience to decide these parameters, without any established rule to follow. For better quality of strip, a valid method is needed to decide technological parameters precisely and reasonably. In this paper, a method is used based neural pipeline and genetic algorithm. Neural network has a good ability to extract rules from work process of tension levellers. Then using neural network, which has learned from a lot of working samples, to be the evaluation of fitness, genetic algorithm could easily find the best or better technological parameters. At the end of this paper, examinations are given to show the effect of this method.
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