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流行性腮腺炎(简称流腮)是由腮腺炎病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,呈世界性分布,在我国归属于法定丙类传染病,全年均可发病,以冬春季为高峰,多发于儿童,呈散发或流行,在集体儿童机构中可形成暴发流行[1]。临床以唾液腺急性非化脓性肿胀为特征,常伴发脑膜炎、胰腺炎及睾丸炎等[1]。2013年4—6月,桐城市某镇1所初级中学和2所小学同时发生流腮暴发,为探索流腮的发病规律及今后处理类似疫情积累经验和提供依据,现将调查情况分析如下。 Mumps (mumps) is an acute respiratory infection caused by mumps virus, which is distributed worldwide. It belongs to the legal category C infectious disease in our country and can be affected throughout the year. It peaks in winter and spring and occurs frequently in Children, who are extinct or prevalent, can develop an outbreak in collective children’s institutions [1]. Clinical salivary glands acute non-suppurative swelling is characterized by frequent meningitis, pancreatitis and orchitis [1]. From April to June 2013, there were simultaneous outbreaks of cheeks in 1 junior middle school and 2 primary schools in a town of Tongcheng City. In order to explore the regularity of the incidence of gob and future experience in handling similar outbreaks and to provide evidence, the investigation is analyzed as follows.
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