
来源 :中国拍卖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hogutan
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中国拍卖行业协会2008年拍卖企业资质评定工作,经过初评、复核以及两次名单公示,日前发布了最终名单(见下表)。名单确定 AAA 级拍卖企业84家,AA 级拍卖企业340家,A 级拍卖企业709家。中拍协2008年拍卖企业资质评定工作,依照完善后的《2008年拍卖企业资质评定工作标准》,遵照“企业自愿参加;不收取费用,不接受赞助;为参评企业保密”的原则.经过近5个月的繁复审核落下大幕。2008年中拍仂拍卖企业资质评定工作,按照年初中拍协三届六次理事会决定评定程序,于2008年7月15日至25日对初评名单进行了公示,并在三届六次常务理事会上进行审议。按照公示后收到的反映和常务理事会审议意见,中拍协秘书处组织力量对部分企业进行了复核,并于2008年8月29日对复核后名单进行了公示。2008年9月8日,中拍协召开会长办公会,审议并确定2008年拍卖企业资质评定名单。 China Auction Association 2008 auction business qualification assessment work, after a preliminary evaluation, review and two list publicity, recently released the final list (see table below). The list identified 84 AAA auction companies, 340 AA-level auction companies and 709 A-level auction companies. According to the “2008 Work Criteria for Qualification of Auction Enterprises”, the “China Volunteer Association 2008 Voluntary Auction Enterprise Qualification Assessment Work” complies with the principle of “voluntary participation by enterprises; no fee collection and no sponsorship; confidentiality of participating enterprises”. After nearly five months of complicated audits fell curtain. In 2008 auction auction qualification examination work, according to the Association in the middle of the third session of the Association of the Sixth Council decision assessment procedures, from July 15, 2008 to 25 on the list of primaries for the public notice, and six in the third executive Governing Council for consideration. In accordance with the notice received after publicity and the deliberation opinion of the Standing Council, the Secretariat of CASPA organized the review on some enterprises and made a public announcement on the review list on August 29, 2008. September 8, 2008, the Association for the convening of the Association held a meeting to consider and determine the list of 2008 auction business qualification.
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本文认为,支持社会主义和谐社会构建是税收的一项重要职能,税收可以在构建和谐社会中有所作为。为进一步发挥好这种职能和作用需对现行税制进行改革和完善。 This paper arg
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