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距离·状态——“艺苑雅集”画展的六位画家均为工作在高校中国画教学战线的学术骨干,他们在紧张的教学科研工作之余,笔耕不辍,十几年如一日,在中国画创作方面取得了可喜的成绩。他们在坚持传统、传播学院艺术的同时,努力探索自己的独特艺术语言。他们都遵循这样的创作原则:既注重弘扬本地地域总的特色,同时也注重历练相对较强的个人风格。因此逐步确立了当今画坛的一席位置。他们的作品在近年的全国各类展览活动中,受到普遍好评,有些业已引起专家和学术界的关注。石兰,1997年结业于文化部首届岩彩画高研班。2002年毕业于郭怡宗花鸟画高 All of the six painters of the “State of Arts and Art Collection” exhibition are academicians who work in the field of Chinese painting teaching in colleges and universities. While working under the strain of teaching and research, they have worked hard at their ten years, Chinese painting has made gratifying achievements. While insisting on tradition and spreading college art, they strive to explore their own unique artistic language. All of them follow the principle of creation that they not only pay attention to carrying forward the general characteristics of the local area but also emphasize the relatively strong personal style. Therefore, gradually established a painting seat of the current position. Their works have been widely praised in various exhibitions in recent years in China and some have drawn the attention of experts and academics. Shi Lan, graduated in 1997 at the Ministry of Culture, the first rock painting high class. In 2002 graduated from Guo Yizong bird painting high
供给侧的含义要清理三座大山,这三座大山就是  过剩产能、过多的库存和银行坏账  今年一季度,中国经济有很短暂的好转,但是这个短暂的好转是用很大的代价换来的。这个代价就是在中央已经提出要进入新常态的情况下,今年一季度又回归了旧常态。又依靠政府投资,来拉动经济的增长。  幸好在今年5月份,人民日报发表了一个“权威人士”的讲话,让人觉得转型和改革的常识还在,因为一季度的做法会使中国经济以后更加困难。现在