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随着改革的不断深入,一个具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制已经初步形成。企业在市场经济的推动下,经过一段时间的转轨和适应,“两个文明”建设取得了长足的进步。几年来的实践证明,企业在完全进入市场后,思想政治工作不仅不能削弱,而且还应当加强,这已成为人们的共识。但是在新形势下究竟怎样加强却是值得我们深入探讨的一个新课题。思想政治工作是做人的工作。企业要图生存求发展,一得靠科技进步和现代化管理;二得靠加强精神文明建设,使人们的业务素质和思想素质同步提高,以适应经济发展的需要。企业是一个经济实体,提高企业的经济效益,增强企业的发展后劲,是企业奋斗的根本目标。要保证这个目标的实现,关键的环节在于思想政治工作。市场经济给人们的观念带来新变化,使人的思想比以往任何时候都活跃。只讲贡献,不计报酬已经和商品经济格格不入。这个时候,企业的思想政治工作要跟上企业的经济改革。一方面要合理配置企业的各个生产要素,另一方面要利用和发挥思想政治工作潜移默化的作用,强化职工的主人翁意识,使职工明确自身的利益和企业的利益密切相关,从而增强职工的奉献精神。 With the deepening of the reform, a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics has been initially formed. Under the impetus of the market economy, enterprises have made great strides in their progress in building “two civilizations” after a period of transition and adaptation. Practice over the past few years has proved that after enterprises have fully entered the market, ideological and political work should not only be weakened, but should also be strengthened. This has become the consensus of people. But how to strengthen under the new situation is a new topic that deserves our in-depth discussion. Ideological and political work is a man’s job. Enterprises need to seek survival and development, one by scientific and technological progress and modern management; two rely on strengthening the building of spiritual civilization, so that people’s professional quality and ideological quality simultaneously improve to meet the needs of economic development. Enterprise is an economic entity, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises and enhance the development potential of enterprises, is the fundamental goal of business struggle. To ensure the realization of this goal, the key link lies in ideological and political work. The market economy has brought new changes to people’s concepts and made people’s minds more active than ever before. Only talk about contribution, regardless of remuneration and the commodity economy is incompatible. At this time, the ideological and political work of the enterprise should keep up with the economic reform of the enterprise. On the one hand, it is necessary to rationally allocate all the factors of production in the enterprise; on the other hand, it is necessary to make use of and exert the subtle influence of ideological and political work, to strengthen the sense of ownership of the employees and to make their own interests clear to their own interests so as to enhance their dedication .
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