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人文精神是起源于欧洲文艺复兴运动以来的一种人本主义思潮,是高度重视人的价值与尊严的一种科学态度。21世纪初,在中国大地上孕育了一场教育革命,在教材中渗透人文精神,在教学中培养学生审美能力、正确的人生观、价值观。注重美术教学中人文精神的挖掘,让学生形成正确的审美思想、良好的行为习惯,培养学生的实践能力、创新能力,使学生走上健康发展的道路,从一个自然人成为一个更有生命活力的、更有审美素养的社会人。人文精神不仅是衡量一个民族、一个地区文明程度的重要尺度,而且是决定个人素质和成就的核心要素;人文精神的培养,一方面要通过社会人文环境的塑造,另一方面也取决于国民教育尤其是高等教育的成效。 Humanistic spirit is a kind of humanistic trend of thought originating from the European Renaissance. It is a scientific attitude that attaches great importance to human values ​​and dignity. In the early 21st century, a revolution in education took place in the land of China, infiltrating the humanistic spirit in teaching materials, and cultivating students’ aesthetic ability, correct outlook on life and values ​​in teaching. Pay attention to the mining of humane spirit in art teaching, let the students form the correct aesthetic thoughts and good habits, cultivate students’ practical ability and innovation ability, make students embark on the path of healthy development and become a more vital and energetic student from a natural person , More aesthetic quality of the community. Humanistic spirit is not only an important measure of the degree of civilization of a nation and a region, but also a core element in determining individual qualities and achievements. The cultivation of a humanistic spirit must be shaped by the social and human environment as well as by the national education In particular, the effectiveness of higher education.
Background Transcription factors hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF 1α) and endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS1)promote the transcription of vascular endoth
论述了沪宁线行车安全综合监测系统的项目背景、系统目标、构成及主要组成项目的功能和实施情况,并总结了项目实施中的有关体会。 Discusses the project background, syste
Background Signaling pathways that regulate the production of cytokines and destructive enzymes have been implicated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis.T