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中华人民共和国建设部2003年2月17日以第119号公告,发布了《国家标准(建设工程工程量清单计价规范(GB50500—2003)》。该规范的发布与施行,标志着我国工程造价计价模式改革的重要里程碑,改变了我国长期以来建设工程计价、招投标、结算以政府颁布的工程预算定额加红头文件作为主要依据的状况,并使建设工程计价朝国家宏观调控、市场有序竞争形成价格的方向发展,标志着我国工程造价管理发生了由传统“量价合一”的计划模式向“量价分离”的市场模式的重大转变。这也表明,我国招标制度真正开始驶入国际惯例的轨道。 The Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China issued the “National Standard (GB50500-2003) for the Bill of Construction Quantity List for Construction Projects” on February 17, 2003. The issuance and implementation of this standard marked the valuation of China’s construction cost. The important milestone of the model reform has changed China’s long-term construction project pricing, bidding, and settlement to the government’s project budget quota plus red-headed documents as the main basis for the situation, and the construction project pricing toward the country’s macro-control, market order competition formed The development of prices indicates that a significant shift has taken place in China’s engineering cost management system from the traditional “price-price-in-one” program model to the “price-price separation” market model. This also shows that China’s tendering system has really begun. Enter the track of international practice.
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8月底,国家质检总局对乳制品进行了三聚氰胺抽样检测。其中,抽检到7个省(自治区、直辖市)生产的16个品牌28批次婴幼儿配方乳粉,抽检到7个省(自治区、直辖市)生产的28个品 At
坚持走中国特色新型工业化道路,必须适应市场需求变化,根据科技进步新趋势,发挥我国产业在全球经济中的比较优势,发展结构优化、技术先进,清洁安全、附加值高、吸纳就业能力强的现代产业体系。强化核心关键技术研发,突破重点领域,积极有序发展新一代信息技术、节能环保、新能源、生物、高端装备制造、新材料、新能源汽车等产业,加快形成先导性、支柱性产业,切实提高产业核心竞争力和经济效益。    张军立:产业升级的五
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