1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了西瓜嫁接育苗中砧木、接穗的品种选择、育苗和苗期管理.适用于以‘瓠葫芦’(Lagenaria siceraria var.depressa)为砧木,以抗西瓜镰刀菌枯萎病为目的的西瓜嫁接育苗.2 砧木,接穗的品种选择2.1 砧木:瓠葫芦。2.2 接穗:选适宜当地种植的西瓜优良品种.3 育苗3.1 准备工作3.1.1 种子:砧、穗种子要求成熟、饱满、发芽率95%以上,纯度98%以上,接穗种子粒数相应要
1 Subject Matter and Scope This standard specifies the species selection, seedling and seedling management of rootstocks and scions in watermelon grafted nursery. It is suitable for the use of ’Lagenaria siceraria var.depressa’ as the rootstock to wilt resistant Fusarium watermelon Disease for the purpose of grafting watermelon seedlings .2 rootstocks, scion varieties to choose 2.1 rootstock: scouring gourd. 2.2 scion: choose suitable for local cultivation of watermelon fine varieties .3 seedling 3.1 Preparation 3.1.1 seeds: anvil, spike seeds require mature, full, the germination rate of 95% or more, the purity of more than 98%, corresponding to the number of scion seed