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从近两年来浙江省十地市(不含舟山)的中考作文来看,传统的话题作文和命题作文有所减少,材料型命题作文占了大多数,而宁波地区似乎更偏爱材料作文,连续两年都是材料作文。因此今年中考作文的复习重点,应放在材料型命题或命意作文上。材料型命意作文也称为新材料作文,在近年的高考作文中颇受青睐。新材料作文,虽然与旧材料作文一样,都提供材料;但新材料作文会提供N个可选择的角度,不限定文体,保留了话题作文的优点,让考生有更多的自由,有更适合发挥自己写作个性的选择空间。看图作文在我省近两三年来都没出现过,今年能否有意外,也很难说,因此也要适当加以关注。前两期的中考特辑,侧重于理论指导,本期力图摆脱枯燥乏味的说教,向大家推荐一组全真模拟中考作文,涵盖上述中考常用的几大题型,有简洁的写作思路点拨,每篇精美范文后附简短点评,以方便大家学习领会。 From the essay of the senior high school entrance exams in Shiji City (excluding Zhoushan) in Zhejiang Province in the past two years, the traditional topic composition and proposition composition have been reduced, and the material-type proposition composition has taken up the majority, while the Ningbo region seems to prefer material composition. Two years of material composition. Therefore, the focus of the review of this year’s Chinese exam composition should be on material propositions or essays. The material-type composition of life-orientation is also called a new material composition and has been favored in recent college entrance examination essays. New material composition, although the same as the old material composition, all provide materials; but the new material composition will provide N optional angles, not limited to style, retain the advantages of topic composition, so that candidates have more freedom, there is more suitable Play a space for your own writing personality. Picture composition has not appeared in our province for the past two or three years. It is difficult to say whether there will be accidents this year. Therefore, we must pay due attention to it. The first two special editions of the senior high school entrance examination focused on theoretical guidance. In this issue, we tried to get rid of the boring preaching. We recommend a group of all-simulation simulation test compositions to cover the most commonly used question types in the above-mentioned high school entrance examinations. Exquisitely styled models are accompanied by short reviews to facilitate learning and understanding.
语言运用题是每年高考必考的内容,也是最富有灵活性、创新性的题目,因此,语言运用题成为了近年高考的新宠。 The topic of language use is the content of the annual entr
男生宿舍就是这样,你要想吃一个苹果,得买六个。你要想喝一口奶粉,得冲上一大饭缸子。还有,你要想穿上一件干净的T恤,你至少还得有一件藏起来。 This is the case for male
藏獒,生活在青藏高原的古老犬种,被认为是最早被驯化出来的狗之一。自上世纪90年代以来,这种罕为人知的猛犬渐渐走进人们的视野。人们先是惊叹于它的高大威猛,继而惊叹于它的千金身价。藏獒是藏族人民的守护神,是流行文学的宠儿,是商人的印钞机。现在,它又多了个身份——地震预报员。  安徽滁州市地震局就设了个藏獒宏观观测点,有5条猛犬在岗。据说,藏獒感觉灵敏,非常适合来预报地震。例如,距离观测点一千米外有人放
提起0.618,许多人都知道,它叫“黄金分割法”。它的提出,迄今已有四千多年历史,其创始人是古希腊的毕达哥拉斯。它是被古希腊美学家柏拉图誉 Lifting 0.618, as many people