适应社会主义市场经济发展 深化科技体制改革实施要点——关于发布《适应社会主义市场经济发展,深化科技体制改革实施要点》的通知

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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市人民政府,国务院各部门,中国科学院: 改革和发展是当代中国两大主题。以邓小平同志1992年初重要谈话和党的十四大为标志,我国改革开放事业进入新的历史时期。党的十四届三中全会发 布的《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》,对深化经济体制改革做出了全面部署。科技体制改革作为经济体制改革的配套工程,将走向全面推进、配套实施的新阶段。为此,根据中央《决定》确定的科技体制改革目标,结合个多年科技体制改革的实践经验,国家科委、国家体改委联合制定了《适应社会主义市场经济发展,深化科技体制改革实施要点》,现印发给你们,请结合本地区、本部门实际情况,认真组织实施。 各地方,各部门在实施过程中,要在总经我国成功经验和借鉴国外有益做法基础上,大胆探索,勇于实践,按照“稳住一头,放开一片”的方针,加速科技经济一体化。要坚持改革与发展相统一,通过改革的深化促进发展,根据发展的要求深化改革。要把统筹规划,宏观指导和分步实施,重点推进结合起来,抓好试点城市和试点单位,发挥示范和辐射作用。要把改革决策与立法决策结合起来,运用法律手段推动、引导、保障和规范改革实践,促进科技战线改革与发展步入社会主义法制轨道。 The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, the departments of the State Council, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Reform and development are two major themes in contemporary China. With Comrade Deng Xiaoping's important speech in early 1992 and the congress of the 14th CPC National Congress as a sign, the cause of China's reform and opening up has entered a new historical period. The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economic System,” which was promulgated by the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, has made a comprehensive plan for deepening the economic restructuring. Science and technology system reform as a supporting system for the reform of the economic system will move towards a new phase of implementing the plan in an all-round way. To this end, in accordance with the goal set by the Central Government's decision on science and technology system reform and in combination with the practical experience of many years' scientific and technological structural reform, the State Science and Technology Commission and the State Commission for Restructuring the Economy jointly formulated the guidelines for the implementation of the socialist market economy and deepening the implementation of the reform of the science and technology system Now it is issued to you. Please conscientiously organize the implementation according to the actual situation in our region and our department. In the process of implementation, all localities and departments should make bold explorations and bold practices based on the successful experiences of our country and the beneficial practices abroad, and accelerate the integration of science and technology based on the principle of “stabilizing one and releasing one.” We must adhere to the principle of unification of reform and development, promote development through deepening of reform and deepen reform in accordance with the requirements of development. We should take the overall planning, macro guidance and step-by-step implementation, focusing on promoting integration, do a good job pilot cities and pilot units, play a role of demonstration and radiation. We should combine reform and legislative decisions with legislative decisions, use legal means to promote, guide, guarantee and standardize the reform practice and promote the reform and development of the scientific and technological front to the track of socialist legal system.
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互动的课堂教学应是教师精心设计教学活动,它运用一系列师生互动、生生互动、人机互动的互动教学方式,以引起学生兴趣,引导学生积极投入,形成多元的、多情境的、多内容的、多维度的、多形式的互动体,从而实现教学共享,教学相长。那么,如何才能实施课堂教学的有效互动呢?  一、民主平等的课堂对话,是教学有效互动的保证  语文课堂教学是由许多错综复杂的因素构成的,教师应及时把握、平衡好影响和谐协调的各种教育因素,