
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lst39889667
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为对塔里木河干流上游地区的土壤盐渍化的变化状况进行监测,选择研究区1999年TM、2002年ETM+和2004年ASTER等3期春季遥感影像和基础背景数据,基于RS、GPS、GIS及数据库等信息技术,并采用图属一体化、多源数据无缝集成的建库思想,通过分类体系划分、信息解译处理、变化类型建立及野外验证等方法,对研究区土壤盐渍化的时空演变趋势进行了定性定量分析。结果表明:1)研究区内土壤盐渍土总面积持续增加,裸土地、水域等土地类型面积逐年减少,靠近河道、水库附近的土壤盐渍土改善状况较好,而远离水源的土壤盐渍土分布呈无规律性变化状态;2)研究区内土壤盐碱土强度明显减弱。重盐渍土面积由1999年的6.89×105hm2下降为2004年的6.06×105hm2,年变化率为-2.43%;中盐渍土面积由原来的2.20×105hm2增至4.23×105hm2,年变化率为18.42%;轻盐渍土面积呈波动变化状态,逆转现象频频发生,恶化与改良状况并存,但改善速度远大于恶化速度;3)研究期间,整个研究区的生态环境趋于好转,综合治理工程的实施对区域盐渍土逆转、生态环境改善起到了决定性的作用。 In order to monitor the change of soil salinization in the upper reaches of the Tarim River, three spring spring remote sensing images and basic background data of TM in 1999, ETM + in 2002 and ASTER in 2004 were selected. Based on RS, GPS, GIS and Database and other information technology, and adopts the idea of ​​building a library that integrates graphically and multi-sourced data seamlessly. By means of classification system, information processing, change type establishment and field verification, the soil salinization The evolution trend of space-time was qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed as follows: 1) The total area of ​​soil saline soil in the study area continued to increase. The area of ​​bare land and water area decreased year by year, close to the river. Soil salinization near the reservoir improved well, The distribution of soil showed no regular change. 2) The intensity of soil salinized soil in the study area weakened obviously. The area of ​​heavy saline soil decreased from 6.89 × 105hm2 in 1999 to 6.06 × 105hm2 in 2004, and the annual change rate was -2.43%. The area of ​​medium saline soil increased from 2.20 × 105hm2 to 4.23 × 105hm2, and the annual change rate was 18.42%. The area of ​​light saline soil fluctuated and the reversal occurred frequently. The coexistence of the deterioration and improvement, but the speed of improvement was far greater than the rate of deterioration. 3) During the research period, the ecological environment of the whole study area tended to be better. The implementation of the regional saline soil to reverse the ecological environment has played a decisive role.
如何快速推定混凝土强度,对于合理利用水泥活性,保证工程质量,避免发生事故有重大意义,也是混凝土现代化施工实行全面质量管理必须研究解决的重大课题之一。 1974年,美国材