
来源 :上海革命史资料与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shizijiazuren
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当今世界,文化的作用日益凸显,不仅经济社会发展越来越有赖于文化的支撑,文化产品和服务直接成为国际贸易和国际竞争的重要内容,而且文化领域已经成为国际政治斗争和意识形态较量的主战场,越来越多的国家把提高文化软实力作为重要发展战略。我国要在激烈的国际竞争中赢得主动,就必须在壮大经济实力、提高科技实力、加强国防实力的同时,使国家文化软实力有一 In today’s world, the role of culture is increasingly prominent. Not only economic and social development are increasingly dependent on cultural support, but cultural products and services have directly become an important part of international trade and international competition. Moreover, the field of culture has become an international political struggle and an ideological contest As the main battlefield, more and more countries regard the enhancement of cultural soft power as an important development strategy. In order to win the initiative in the fierce international competition, our country must, while expanding its economic strength, enhancing the strength of science and technology and strengthening its national defense strength, make the country’s cultural and soft power one
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