Antibacterial and corrosive properties of copper implanted austenitic stainless steel

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjtshuaige
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Copper ions were implanted into austenitic stainless steel (SS) by metal vapor vacuum arc with a energy of 100 keV and an ions dose range of (0.5-8.0)×1017 cm-2. The Cu-implanted SS was annealed in an Ar atmosphere furnace. Glancing X-ray diffrac-tion (GXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) were used to reveal the phase compositions, microstructures, and concentration profiles of copper ions in the implanted layer. The results show that the antibacterial property of Cu-implanted SS is attributed to Cu9.9Fe0.1, which precipitated as needles. The depth of copper in Cu-implanted SS with annealing treatment is greater than that in Cu-implanted SS without annealing treatment, which improves the antibacterial property against S. aureus. The salt wetting-drying combined cyclic test was used to evaluate the corrosion-resistance of antibacterial SS, and the results reveal that the antibacterial SS has a level of corrosion-resistance equivalent to that of un-implanted SS. Copper ions were implanted into austenitic stainless steel (SS) by metal vapor vacuum arc with an energy of 100 keV and an ions dose range of (0.5-8.0) × 1017 cm -2. The Cu-implanted SS was annealed in an Ar atmosphere Glancing X-ray diffrac tion (GXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) were used to reveal the phase compositions, microstructures, and concentration profiles of copper ions in the implanted layer. The results show that the antibacterial property of Cu-implanted SS is attributed to Cu9.9Fe0.1, which precipitated as needles. The depth of copper in Cu-implanted SS with annealing treatment is greater than that in Cu-implanted SS without annealing treatment, which improves the antibacterial property against S. aureus. The salt wetting-drying combined cyclic test was used to evaluate the corrosion-resistance of antibacterial SS, and the results reveal that the antibacterial SS has a level of corrosion-resistance equivalent to th at of un-implanted SS.
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