
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanjian8706
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从农村电工队伍的现状看,在部分农村电工中存在着不稳定因素.其原因有四:一是受习惯势力的影响,导致出现一任村支部书记跟着一任村电工的现象,造成了电力设施损坏严重,电费电价管理混乱.二是有的农村电工身兼数职,电工一职反而成了捎代着干的活路,造成业务不精、责任心不强,严重制约了农电事业的健康发展.三是农村电工管理机制存在着弊端.在农村,有的电工人选是由村里定,而供电站实际上只是业务管理,其它方面不能形成对村电工的有效管理,缺乏制约性.有的村电工违法乱纪,或以电谋私,要进行撤换、处理时,可电工偏偏又是村领导的亲戚.这些都对农电工作的开展极为不利.四是待遇问题.村电工工资由村里发一部分,供电站补助一部分.另外,对因年龄大或伤病不适合继续从事农电工作的处理不当,使部分村电工不能安心本职工作,存在着后顾之忧.因此说,要加强农村电工队伍的内质外形建设,首先必须有一支稳定的电工队伍.那么,如何来稳定农村电工队伍呢?笔者提出以下办法仅供参考.一是选好人.应实行招聘的办法.可通过考试从有知识的青年人中录用人员,经过培训,补充到农电队 From the current situation of the rural electrician team, there are some unstable factors in some rural electricians. There are four reasons for this: First, due to the influence of the customary forces, the phenomenon of a village branch secretary following a village electrician is caused, resulting in damage to the power facilities. Seriously, the management of electricity tariffs is chaotic. Second, some rural electricians are involved in several jobs. Electrician jobs have become a resurrection ground, resulting in unsatisfactory business operations and weak sense of responsibility, which seriously restricts the healthy development of rural power. Third, there are drawbacks in the rural electrician management mechanism. In rural areas, some electric workers are selected by the village, and the power supply station is actually only business management. Other aspects cannot form an effective management of the village electricians, lack of constraints. Some village electrician When illegal or indiscriminate use of electricity or private interests is required for the removal or processing, the electrician may prefer to be a relative of the village leaders. These are extremely unfavorable for the development of rural power work. Fourth, the treatment problem. The village electrician pays a part of the village, Part of the subsidies for the power station. In addition, improper handling of farm electricity work due to age or injury is not suitable, so that some village electricians can not be at ease with their own work, there is a worry. This said, to strengthen the construction of the inner quality of the rural electrician team, we must first have a stable electrician team. So, how to stabilize the rural electrician team? The author proposes the following methods are for reference only. First, choose a good person. Should implement the recruitment Methods. Can pass examinations to recruit personnel from knowledgeable young people and train them to supplement the team.
兵员征集是建设强大军队最基础的环节,它直接关系到军队质量建设。在近年的征兵工作中,却出现了征兵难、难征兵的问题。这种现象的成因是: 一、人生价值错位。由于价值取向
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在新春佳节即将到来之际,广西电力建设又传喜讯。2月16日21时15分,百龙滩水电站1号机组并网发电,实现了3年内发电的奋斗目标。百龙滩水电站是全国第一家靠股份制集 In the