CD4+ T cells and natural killer cells: Biomarkers for hepatic fibrosis in human immunodeficiency vir

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong481
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AIM To characterize peripheral blood natural killer(NK) cells phenotypes by flow cytometry as potential biomarker of liver fibrosis in human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)/hepatitis C virus(HCV) coinfected patients.METHODS Peripheral mononuclear cells from 24 HIV/HCV(HBVnegative) coinfected and 5 HIV/HCV/HBV seronegative individuals were evaluated. HIV/HCV coinfected patients were divided in to groups: G1, patients with METAVIR F0-F2 and G2, patients with METAVIR F3-F4. NK surface cell staining was performed with: AntiCD3(APC/Cy7), anti-CD56(PE/Cy5), anti-CD57(APC), anti-CD25(PE), anti-CD69(FITC), anti-NKp30(PE), antiNKp46(PE/Cy7), anti-NKG2D(APC), anti-DNAM(FITC); anti-CD62L(PE/Cy7), anti-CCR7(PE), anti-TRAIL(PE), anti-Fas L(PE), anti CD94(FITC). Flow cytometry data acquisition was performed on BD FACSCanto, analyzed using Flow Jo software. Frequency of fluorescence was analyzed for all single markers. Clinical records were reviewed, and epidemiological and clinical data were obtained.RESULTS Samples from 11 patients were included in G1 and from 13 in G2. All patients were on ARV, with undetectable HIV viral load. Liver fibrosis was evaluated by transient elastography in 90% of the patients and with biopsy in 10% of the patients. Mean HCV viral load was(6.18 ± 0.7 log10). Even though, no major significant differences were observed between G1 and G2 regarding NK surface markers, it was found that patients with higher liver fibrosis presented statistically lower percentage of NK cells than individual with low to mild fibrosis and healthy controls(G2: 5.4% ± 2.3%, G1: 12.6% ± 8.2%, P = 0.002 and healthy controls 12.2% ± 2.7%, P = 0.008). It was also found that individuals with higher liver fibrosis presented lower CD4 LT count than those from G1(G2: 521 ± 312 cells/μL, G1: 770 ± 205 cells/μL; P = 0.035).CONCLUSION Higher levels of liver fibrosis were associated with lower percentage of NK cells and LTCD4+ count; and they may serve as noninvasive biomarkers of liver damage. AIM To characterize peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells phenotypes by flow cytometry as potential biomarker of liver fibrosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) / hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfected patients. METHODS Peripheral mononuclear cells from 24 HIV / HCV (HBV negative) HIV / HCV coinfected patients were divided in to groups: G1, patients with METAVIR F0-F2 and G2, patients with METAVIR F3-F4. NK surface cell staining was performed with: AntiCD3 (APC / Cy7) anti-CD56 (PE / Cy5) anti-CD57 APC anti-CD25 PE anti-CD69 FITC anti-NKp30 PE anti- anti-CD62L (PE / Cy7), anti-CCR7 (PE), anti-TRAIL (PE), anti-Fas L (PE), antiCD94 (FITC) ) Flow cytometry data acquisition was performed on BD FACSCanto, analyzed using Flow Jo software. Frequency of fluorescence was analyzed for all single markers. Clinical records were reviewed, and epidemiological and clinical data were obtained. RE SULTS Samples from 11 patients were included in G1 and from 13 in G2. All patients were on ARV, with undetectable HIV viral load. Liver fibrosis was evaluated by transient elastography in 90% of the patients and with biopsy in 10% of the patients. Mean HCV viral load was (6.18 ± 0.7 log10). Even though, no major significant differences were observed between G1 and G2 on NK surface markers, it was found that patients with higher liver fibrosis ordered statistically lower percentage of NK cells than individual with low to mild fibrosis and healthy controls (G2: 5.4% ± 2.3%, G1: 12.6% ± 8.2%, P = 0.002 and healthy controls 12.2% ± 2.7%, P = 0.008) It was also found that individuals with higher liver fibrosis presented higher CD4 LT count than those from G1 (G2: 521 ± 312 cells / μL, G1: 770 ± 205 cells / μL; P = 0.035) .CONCLUSION Higher levels of liver fibrosis were associated with lower percentage of NK cells and LTCD4 + counts ; and they may serve as noninvasive biomarkers of liv er damagOh.
国庆假期,我们五个家庭组织了一次短途自驾游。第一天,我们去了余姚;第二天,去了宁海;第三天,从宁海出发,开往象山的小城镇——石浦。  在从宁海开往石浦的路途中,路标很少见,虽然有手机导航,但因为岔路很多,我们还是走错了路,绕来绕去,始终找不到正确的方向。后来,在一位当地居民的指点下,我们才知道乘渡轮过海到石浦比较方便。  开往渡口的路上,风景非常好。路的两边全是成片的稻田、橘林和葡萄架。在阳光的照
我和鸭梨俩人正坐在冒着白烟、弥漫着浓郁香气的麻辣烫锅前。她“当当”敲两下小锅,提醒正在吃米线的我注意。我抬了抬头,咬着未断的米线问:“干吗?”  “你要是小高考能考4个A,我任你宰割。”鸭梨睨视着我,两根手指拨拨筷子,又脆脆地在小锅上敲了两下。  “宰割?好,我喜欢!小肥妞,我可吃定你了!来来来,先吃肉,吃肉!”  “说谁肥呢?”  “我我我,吃肉吃肉。”  “我跟你说真的呢。”  “晓得晓得,吃
我恨透了那条疯狗。  自从那条疯狗出现在我往返学校的路上,我就想尽一切办法躲避它,但它总是执着坚定地跟着我,嘴角挂着狡黠的笑,仿佛将我当作玩物般戏耍。  早已领教了它的厉害,今天遇见它,我局促地后退一步,伸手从包里掏出一根骨头扔过去,想借此引开它的注意力。没想到,作为一只狗,它竟然对充满诱惑的骨头视若无睹,反而用泛着凶光的眼睛紧盯着我,我仿佛能看到它眼底的戏谑。于是我扭转身,以自己无法想象的速度向