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合成法生产蒽醌技术 蒽醌是涂料不可缺少的增强剂、增煮剂,亦是提高印染质量的主要成分。运用本法生产蒽醌技术,比原方法降低成本11%以上,减少了工艺环节,且生产中无污染。产品经国家商检局检测,符合出口标准,并获’95澳门发明城中心出口产品金奖。为缓解国际市场需求矛盾,现面向国内转让该技术,转让费25万元(包括硬件和软件部分),协助原生产厂家扩大规模、改进工艺。如新建年产1200t生产厂,需设备投资92万元、流动资金60万元、厂房1000m~2、职工28人。成本约2万元/t,市场价2.8~2.9万元/t,产品全部外销。最近在国家外贸会上获悉,我国每年蒽醌出口需要28000t以上,现落实不足2万t,望有意合作的单位从速联系。项目评估证明、可行性分析报告共286元。 Synthetic technology for the production of enamel technology is an indispensable enhancer and boiler for paints. It is also the main component for improving the quality of printing and dyeing. The use of this method to produce thorium technology reduces the cost by more than 11% compared to the original method, reducing the number of process steps and producing no pollution. The products were inspected by the State Administration of Commodity Inspection and met the export standards, and won the gold prize of the export product of ’95 Macao Invention City Center. In order to alleviate the contradiction in the international market, the technology is now transferred to the domestic market with a transfer fee of RMB 250,000 (including hardware and software) to assist the original manufacturer in expanding the scale and improving the process. Such as the new annual production of 1200t production plant, the need for equipment investment 920,000 yuan, working capital 600,000 yuan, plant 1000m ~ 2, employees 28 people. The cost is about 20,000 yuan/t, and the market price is 2.8 to 29,000 yuan/t. All products are exported. Recently, at the National Foreign Trade Association, it was learned that China’s annual export volume needs more than 28,000 tons, and its implementation is now less than 20,000 tons. The interested parties are expected to contact the company as soon as possible. The project evaluation certificate and feasibility analysis report total 286 yuan.
韩国的几家PX(对二甲苯)和PTA(纯对苯二甲酸)生产厂家由于考虑到国内PTA过剩和聚酯市场疲软,正计划推迟有关装置的建设。这几家公司是Kohap、Tong Yang聚合物、Ssang-Yong石
据英国Spikes Cavell市场研究公司最近发表的一份研究报告说,1995年,欧洲100家最大的信息技术(IT)供应商在世界范围内为信息技术的投资估计为400亿美元。特别是德国和英国公
瑞士的Ciba-Geigy和德国的Huls两家公司已将他们的皮革化学品业务合并成为一个新的公司,称之谓TFL Ledertechnik(总部设在德国的Darmstadt)。双方的股份各为50%,今年的销售额