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虽然公路系统思想政治工作的主流是好的,很多政工干部也尽职尽守,与公路行业同甘苦、共患难。然而,我们也应该注意到,现阶段公路思想政治工作中存在着不少政工干部政治意识不强,部分政工干部素质低下,外部环境对政工干部的影响较大以及工作作风不良等问题,不少思想政治工作干部的政治敏感度逐渐弱化,以至于平时不爱思考,对一些隐患不能及时发现,分析观察能力亟待提高,思想政治水平不能与时俱进。要从立足本职,与时俱进,公开办事,以人为本以及端正作风,踏实工作等方面化解公路思想政治工作问题的对策。 Although the mainstream of ideological and political work in the highway system is good, many political cadres also work hard and share the same hardships and sufferings as the highway industry. However, we should also note that at present, there are many problems in the ideological and political work of the highway such as the poor political consciousness of the political cadres, the low quality of some political and military cadres, the greater influence of the external environment on the political cadres, and the poor work style. The political sensitivity of cadres in ideological and political work has gradually weakened, so that they usually do not love to think, find out some hidden dangers in time, and urgently need to improve their analytical and observational capabilities. The level of ideological and political work can not keep pace with the times. We should take measures to resolve the problem of ideological and political work on the highway in terms of being based on our own job, advancing with the times, working in an open manner, putting people first and rectifying work style, and working steadily.
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你知道台湾人、香港影星王祖贤多少内幕呢?她的美貌?她的人品?她早年的生活?她在影视圈中的奋斗?她与台湾歌手齐秦的相恋? 在记者的眼中,王祖贤是个最不上镜头的女星了。说